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Tuesday, September 03, 2019 

Times-Record fawns over Disney Plus Marvel adaptations

The Fort-Smith Times-Record wrote a sugary take on Marvel's new productions planned for the Disney Plus channel, with the main minuses being the fluff-coated takes on the adaptation of Muslim Ms. Marvel. It begins with:
If you’re a genre fan, Disney+ is going to get your money.
Nope, they're not. Too expensive, and too much political correctness going around. Besides, nothing on TV today is worth watching anyway.
The new streaming channel doesn’t launch until Nov. 12, but the House of Mouse held its biennial D23 Expo Aug. 23-25 with enough juicy announcements to make Lockjaw salivate. Disney+ will have both new and legacy content from all its major brands — Disney, LucasFilms (Star Wars), Marvel, National Geographic, Pixar and Fox (The Simpsons) — but it was the Marvel and Star Wars plans that had fans swooning.

Especially the former. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been an unprecedented success, as anyone who hasn’t been held captive in a cave by the Ten Rings already knows. And what Disney does better than anyone is leverage success.
And propaganda, to say nothing of abusing power in business, recalling they arranged for Rotten Tomatoes to remove "want-to-see" options and erase reader reviews that made negative comments about the Captain Marvel movie. Disney's no longer what it used to be.
That’s why four Marvel miniseries had already been announced for Disney+ before D23, series not produced by Marvel Television (“Agents of SHIELD,” “Runaways”), which has been crippled by the loss of its Netflix line (“Daredevil,” etc.). Nope, the TV shows are being produced by Marvel Films, and are not only set in the abovementioned MCU, not only blessed with movie-size budgets, not only produced by the now-legendary Kevin Feige, but also featuring the same big stars that glitter on the silver screen.
So, no issues with Feige's swerve to SJW-pandering? Guess not, as the following pretty much makes clear:
Up next is “Ms. Marvel,” absolutely the most adorable Marvel hero this side of Squirrel Girl. The show stars the current holder of this title, Kamala Khan — who is the fourth to do so.

Two of those title holders aren’t important, but the first one is. Believe it or not, the first Ms. Marvel was Carol Danvers, before she went full legacy with the name “Captain Marvel.” And a young Pakistani-American teen named Kamala Khan, who lived in Jersey City, New Jersey, idolized Carol Danvers.

So when Kamala discovered she had size-changing and shape-shifting powers in 2013 — turns out she’s an Inhuman — she immediately adopted Carol’s old nom du combat “Ms. Marvel.” After all, Carol wasn’t using it any more. Kamala came up with a Captain Marvel-inspired costume, and now cuts study hall to patrol the mean streets of Jersey.

Kamala was a hit from the start. Like Peter Parker, she’s a teenager negotiating high school, dating, cliques and other teen terrors. Like Peter Parker, she’s an outsider — he was a science nerd, and she’s a Muslim and girl of color. Like Peter Parker, she has to navigate social and cultural pitfalls the popular and complacent never experience.

But unlike Peter Parker, Kamala tackles all of her challenges with sunny optimism and a can-do spirit. If there’s a Marvel book that can be described as “charming,” “Ms. Marvel” is it.
Hmm, sounds like somebody's making it sound as though Peter Parker's world is all plunged in darkness, all the while whitewashing the Islamic propaganda angle prevalent in much of the Ms. Marvel stories ever since the beginning 6 years ago, and not providing any sales figures to back up the claim it was a success out of the gate. Or how the bright angle used in the stories appears to be applied selectively, when you consider how in the past 2 decades, darkness, grim-and-gritty storytelling was forced on superhero comics in such alarming fashion. Meaning, they were willing to use an optimistic angle in the Muslim Ms. Marvel series only because it was intended as a propaganda vehicle from the start, not because there's a market for optimism.

I think I should also comment on what they say about a planned She-Hulk TV show:
A more recent version of Jennifer turned gray and savage, but it came and went without leaving much of an impact. It is the joke-cracking, super-sexy, fourth-wall-breaking version that most people remember fondly, and at a guess that’s what we’ll see on Disney+.
And at a guess, it might not be, if they intend to go by the Orwellian anti-sex propaganda angle that became particularly common when Axel Alonso was Marvel's EIC. With the way they're going at Disney proper, it's still a serious problem. Also, I can't help but notice they seem to be adapting more PC stories of recent:
“The Falcon and The Winter Soldier” will follow the adventures of Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) and Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), now that the Avian Avenger is carrying Captain America’s shield.

“Hawkeye” will star Jeremy Renner from the movies, who will be training his replacement, a yet-to-be-cast girl named Kate Bishop. That scenario is loosely based on a 2012 series, wherein the Avenging Archer is something of a screw-up at everything except superheroing, and teen protégé Kate is forced to be the grown-up in the relationship. How that can apply to the non-smiling Clint Barton of the movies is yet to be seen.
Well well, so they're adapting Nick Spencer's loathsome, politically charged tale where Steve Rogers was kicked to the curb to be turned into a Hydra-nazi, and Falcon was put in his role instead, so he could lead a series where opposition to illegal immigrants are depicted as fascists. And from the description of how Hawkeye was written of recent, I get the feeling they took a direction that's become the latest sad staple in showbiz, to depict men as otherwise dreadfully unheroic, poor role models. And in the films, he doesn't even smile? I'd argue that too is a problem, if a man can't be any happier than a woman.

In the end, this is just more fluff-coating for pretentious takes on Marvel that don't do justice to Stan Lee's visions, organically or otherwise. Just more Hollywood lip service we could do without, and there's no need to spend so much money on a Disney cable subscription when they offer more propaganda than entertainment.

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What kind of TV programs do you watch in your location anyway?

This will give some clues to Ms Marvel's circulation figures:


What makes you think he'll listen to Bleeding Cool?

Speaking of that site, I know Green and his coworkers made Bleeding Fool as a parody and alternative to Bleeding Cool, but I don't think the gag needs to be extended towards having the same buggy virus-infected ads and toxic slander towards anything that isn't the site's party line. It should be more classy and mature rather than stoop to the same levels and antics as its rival.

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  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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