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Thursday, April 09, 2020 

The race/orientation swapping at DC continues with Alfred Pennyworth

Through One Angry Gamer, the above Clownfish TV video tells what DC's "young adult" agenda project is now doing with the Bat-franchise in Gotham High, turning Bruce Wayne's famous butler into a homosexual Chinese man (complete with a husband), and what's particularly telling is that it's penned by yet another non-fan of the medium:
And yes, the author of Gotham High, Melissa de la Cruz, is not a fan of Batman. She doesn’t read the comics or follow the lore.

While I could place blame on her for tarnishing the brand with bullcrap, let’s not forget that DC reached out to her and gave her this opportunity to tarnish Batman.

This was intentional.
Absolutely. It's also clear that long after Dan DiDio's gone from the editing/publishing role he didn't deserve, much of the problems DC suffered from - including, but not limited to - politics, is still going to prevail for a long time, so long as there's still a publisher to churn out these awful projects. It's hardly even the first time - as far back as 2 decades, MarvelDC were beginning to hire Hollywood phonies like Kevin Smith to write books for them. A lot of good it's done in all the years, seeing what he did with Black Cat, rewriting her background so grossly to include sexual assault in retcon. Hiring all these "outsiders" with little or no understanding of established franchises and other characters is exactly what ruined mainstream superhero comics all these years, and it's continuing now with people like novelists who're just as awful.

And just because these young adult projects like Gotham High have no connection to the flagship DCU, does that make them excusable? Of course not. It's just a gimmick so they can wallow in cheap sleaze, producing a product that taints the original legacy of the characters by extension. We don't need any of that.

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She attended as a guest at the 2015 San Diego comicon, and one of her novels has been adapted into a comic book. So she is familiar with the medium; it is wrong to condemn her as a non fan just on the basis of what the guy at One Mangy Gamer says. (And if you read what he wrote on the site? Are his fetishes and sexual obsessions ever on display!)

Can't say I like Kevin Smith's kill ratio when it comes to comic book characters, but he is not exactly a comic book outsider. The man was a fan in high school, he owns a comic book merch shop in New Jersey, he named his daughter after Harley Quinn, and he helped set up a charity called The Wayne Foundation. The guy is a comic book geek's comic book geek. He sees things through a shallowly crude lens, but he is a comic book insider.

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