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Saturday, May 16, 2020 

More political tweets by J.T. Krul

Here's a few more of the far-left-leaning comics writer Krul's political comments against the Trump administration. For example:

Umm, if the aide at the White House didn't know he was infected until recently, how could anybody figure that all out? And why the complaints about Trump, but not about Andrew Cuomo's mistakes, for example? Even Bill de Blasio did a bad job, moving some patients to a nursing home, which was ill advised. The Atlantic was also willing to admit de Blasio's a failure for the Big Apple. Yet all that matters to people like Krul is Trump's administration.

Here's another example of Krul's predictable leftism in motion:

Sigh. What have they done that Democrats are virtually incapable of doing? How is it Joe Biden doesn't care only about money and power, seeing he's now accused of sexually abusing a female aide in the early 1990s, along with several other women? The biggest irony being he was allegedly a sponsor for a bill opposing violence against women. As for Obama's supposed efforts to do a better job on supplies, you really believe those leftist reports, Krul, now that it was discovered Obama tried to harm the reputation of Michael Flynn?

Here's one more:

Yep, tell us all about it please. Only right-wingers and their alleged mistakes matter to Krul, and never what the left-wingers do. A real sad case he be.

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Flynn? Wasn't he the guy Trump fired in 2017, after 3 weeks on the job, for lying to the vice-president about his contacts with Russia? Or, as Flynn admitted, having "briefed the Vice President-elect and others with incomplete information"? What a difference two and a half years make!

Even if you want to give Flynn the benefit of the doubt and figure that Flynn was lying when he said that and was just taking a few bullets for Pence and Trump to give them plausible deniability of wrong-doing, it is still disturbing. Flynn has the distinction of having been fired from a job by both Republican and Democratic presidents, Obama in 2014 and Trump in 2017.

Nothing in the article you link to says that Obama was slandering Flynn, though; Obama was pointing out that it goes dead against the rule of law and makes a mockery of the justice system for the government to simply withdraw a charge after a guy has plead guilty and been convicted. Fairly obvious; it is the reason why the Justice Department lawyers who had been handling the case did not want to participate in the charade.

"What have they done that Democrats are virtually incapable of doing? How is it Joe Biden doesn't care only about money and power,"

Trump is president. He is the one in charge, and it is his actions that are under the gun. Saying that the other guy might be just as bad is not the standard that should be set.

Cuomo made mistakes, but he is working hard, he is not incompetent, and is doing a lot of things right. Trump doesn't seem to be doing anything other than trying to deflect responsibility and put spin on the situation so he can get reelected. He has not been ensuring that the basic things that are needed - getting adequate medical supplies and equipment, testing and contact tracing - are being done, and he has put in charge people who have no knowledge of medicine or government while sidelining or reassigning the people who know about disease and firing anyone who dares to suggest that there are any problems. His decisions seem influenced more by which governors are republican and which ones are sucking up to him, than by what people need.

And now the US is a global hotspot for Covid 19, 88 000 deaths in two months, about a third of the world's diagnosed cases, despite all the warnings of how bad the situation was in Italy and China and Iran. And even as it is levelling off in New York it is getting worse everywhere else in the country.

"Umm, if the aide at the White House didn't know he was infected until recently, how could anybody figure that all out?"

If he knew he was infected, he would not be wearing a mask; he would be staying home. The mask is so that people who don't know if they are infected or not - and there is a long period between infection and onset of symptoms - don't transfer the virus to other people.

It is not hard to figure out; that is what the doctors have been saying for weeks. If you have to work indoors with other people for more than a brief conversation, especially if you are going to be doing a lot of talking, it is safer for the people around you for you to wear the mask. How could the covid task force not know that?

"And why the complaints about Trump, but not about Andrew Cuomo's mistakes, for example? Even Bill de Blasio did a bad job, moving some patients to a nursing home, which was ill advised... Yet all that matters to people like Krul is Trump's administration."

Krul lives in California, not New York. De Blasio is not his mayor, Cuomo is not his governor. Trump is his president, so that is the one he should be talking about.

It is a bad omen for Trump when he cannot be defended on his record and his actions except by trying to shift blame to someone, anyone, else. He is the most powerful man in the world; why is he always dodging the great responsibility that goes with that?

"You think they support Social Security? Safe working standards? Voting Rights? The environment? A living wage? Access to healthcare? They'd burn it all down if they could."

If you take it literally, he is being accurate.

Safe working standards? Trump has rolled back a lot of regulations concerning working standards, and the Republicans are insisting on instituting protections against lawsuits for businesses who expose their employees to coronavirus at work.

voting rights? Look at Wisconson. Trump has literally stated that expansion of voting rights would hurt Republicans. And historically Republicans have tried to prevent likely Democrat voters from voting and done a lot of highly sophisticated gerrymandering.

the environment? Trump has rolled back a lot of environmental protections and gutted the EPA.

living wage? no action there.

access to health care? The Republicans want to gut Obamacare, and Trump wants to replace it with something better, but he has no idea what or has not been able to say.

What has Krul said that isn't truthful?

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