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Thursday, April 28, 2022 

Some comics creators abandoning Twitter after Elon Musk's purchase

Following billionaire Elon Musk's buyout of Twitter, I'm not all that surprised to find some of the most far-left comics creators deciding to dump it, all because he wants to make it more friendly for everyone. A leading example of a comics artist/writer shedding his account would have to be Erik Larsen, the one and only, according to Bounding Into Comics:
Savage Dragon creator and Image Comics Chief Financial Officer Erik Larsen kept his promise of deleting his Twitter account if the company was purchased by Elon Musk.

Back on April 14th, Larsen tweeted, “The day Elon Musk buys Twitter is the day I delete my account and leave Twitter.”

He added, “Nothing good can come from Elon Musk buying Twitter.”

He continued writing, “At some point the 1st Amendment protecting FREE SPEECH was maliciously altered to the FREEDOM to LIE.”

“The Freedom to lie with impunity is one of the biggest dangers to American democracy,” he tweeted. “This platform would become an even more hellish landscape of lies and misinformation.”
Wow, does this mean he thinks the Republicans altered the 1st Amendment, yet the leftists he identifies with are incapable of anything dishonest? And of course, this was also the same artist who supposedly complained about censorship in comicdom several years ago, even though he's since been backtracking and kowtowing, or at least acting pretty wobbly on the issues he's supposed concerned about. Evidently, he's the kind of person who believes right-wingers alone are responsible for all the ills that've befallen comicdom as much as anything else. And that's exactly why his supposed protests against censorship in comicdom can't retain traction in the long run, if he's going to stick firm to the kind of leftism he represents.

I myself looked at the account of one of the most notorious employees at Marvel, Dan Slott, and discovered the following:
So last time I looked, Slott had set his account to private, and now seems to be more into use of Instagram. Well, after all the trouble he caused in the past, that's why he'd be no loss to Twitter. Yet I'm sure we can expect him to continue blocking millions of users everywhere, because they don't like what's done to Spider-Man before and is doing to Fantastic Four now, or they find his leftist politics offensive and demeaning. What's really sad though, is that his employers at Marvel originally made no attempt to insist that, if such leftists were going to spend time on social media, they'd at least keep their tone civil.

And then, here's artist Nicola Scott, who suggests she's bolting to Instagram: I don't know if she's the worst leftist around, but still, pretty appalling if she doesn't think Musk is a legitimate investor for the social network. But one sure thing, how odd somebody who was supposedly let down when the UN rejected her Wonder Woman art would have issues with a guy like Musk.

Some other creators who so far appear to be remaining include the awful Tom Taylor: Gee, and this is one of the same men who's turning the Superman franchise into a far-left travesty, using whatever positions the Golden Age tales took as justification for his much worse ones. Speaking of Simone, she appears to be staying too, but she said: And look what a stupid joke she made about Musk: I've concluded after all these years that most jokes Simone spouts just aren't funny. Another artist who's commented on the Musk buyout is Darick Robertson: Well if he wants to depart the platform, so be it. Apparently, only people with narrow visions like his are allowed to invest in these ventures. For the record, here's also some of Robertson's leftist politics in motion: Well, this isn't too surprising Robertson would also want to link to articles with negative takes on Musk. What a shame Robertson doesn't have what it takes to appreciate some millionaires, based on whether they respect conservatives or not. Next, we also have Gerry Conway commenting: And it's all because of his fellow leftists with irrational approaches, something he clearly won't admit is a problem. He also added: So, does this mean Conway's furious at liberal Dorsey for his favorable position on Musk's investment? I get it, if a leftist doesn't do as expected from others, he's no good, huh?

Ah, and here's another fascinating example, propagandist Heidi MacDonald, manager of the insufferable Comics Beat news site: Oh, do tell us about it. So says somebody who's got a bit in common with far-left "reporter" Taylor Lorenz, recalling the time when MacDonald attacked Bill Willingham for adding a pro-Israeli viewpoint to Fables. MacDonald is one of the most laughable variations on Bethany Snow in real life, and to date has never apologized for her Whisper Network participation. She continues: But Musk's not doing that? I think most social networks would be better off without MacDonald around. Propagandists like her are an embarrassment to the news profession. Then, here's a brief by Heather Antos: Or maybe she'll migrate to Mastadon, which, from what I know, is a real left-wing echo chamber. Another pretentious comics editor being pretentious and contemptuous as usual.

How many comics creators will leave Twitter, and how many will stay? And how many of the latter whose politics are leftist will consider acting more respectable with those whom they dissent with? It all remains to be seen. For now, Musk's buyout is worth congratulating, and certainly if he's serious about respecting conservatives' free speech rights.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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