Former Dark Horse staffer supports LGBT ideology
Hmm, this is telling of where she's going for starters. Otherizing anybody who doesn't agree with her like they're aliens from outer space, and all this from somebody who's basically self-segregating from the rest of society via identity politics. What she's doing is obnoxious, and a leading problem with victimologists of her sort.EVERY FUCKING TIME I post about trans rights, a cis person shows up in my mentions and gets shirty because a trans person generalized or was mean to them; because we're not worth defending if we're not deferential.
— Jay Edidin 🧭 (@NotLasers) June 5, 2022
And that's just not how it works. Either you're with us, or you're performing to kill time while you wait for an excuse to revert to comfortable indifference.
— Jay Edidin 🧭 (@NotLasers) June 5, 2022
Sounds like somebody disrespects gender identity and the need to know whether an infant is a boy or girl. And all the while, Edidin's being foul-mouthed, while refusing to recognize babies can't decide everything on their own, and there's reasons why it's a good idea to know the child's sex.The gendering of baby clothes is bullshit, but somehow it feels extra bullshit when it's knitting patterns. I guarantee that no baby gives even a single fuck which side of the sweater the button placket is on; and any adult who does is a bit ol' weirdo.
— Jay Edidin 🧭 (@NotLasers) June 6, 2022
Cis people: If you can't see the relationship between exclusionary and exterminatory anti-trans policies, now is a good time to sit down and listen quietly.
— Jay Edidin 🧭 (@NotLasers) June 4, 2022
Pundits have been calling for our nonexistence for years; now they are explicitly saying that there's no place for us in a "sane" world and citing things like the complications of our medical care as we age. (cont'd)
— Jay Edidin 🧭 (@NotLasers) June 4, 2022
So here's more examples of where she stands on normalizing the whole notion of pretending one belongs to the opposite sex, and possibly even resorting to male-bashing, as though that's literally going to solve anything. She doesn't even consider that all this transsexuality ideology is hurting youngsters, and overall is not healthy for society as a whole, and definitely not for women.State after state in the US is passing legislation based on those principles, even if they're not outright stated. They're forcibly detransitioning youth and--as of this week--adults; ignoring or twisting medical evidence and best practices and risks.
— Jay Edidin 🧭 (@NotLasers) June 4, 2022
Says somebody who's sailing around the planet, with complete contempt for those on her native one. Edidin's an utter embarrassment for the comics industry, and has no business working there anymore if this is what she favors, and it goes without saying her rudeness and otherizing "cis" people only makes things worse.jupiter said trans rights
— Jay Edidin 🧭 (@NotLasers) June 7, 2022
Labels: bad editors, golden calf of LGBT, indie publishers, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, politics