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Sunday, July 17, 2022 

Eric July finds success with new publishing business

The New York Post spotlighted podcaster Eric July, who's been crowdfunding his own comics venture built on very non-woke directions, and has made significant achievements:
In a world full of “woke” culture, one man is taking an artistic stand.

Writer, content creator and musician Eric July is adding a new feather to his cap: comic book creator. July officially launched his first comic book “Isom #1” through publishing company Rippaverse on Monday — and it’s been a smashing success.
Which is why leftists on social sites like Reddit, unfortunately, oppose him:
July’s book has already brought in more than $1.7 million in pre-orders in just the first four days. Nearly 19,000 people have pre-ordered — but not everyone is happy about it.

The release of “Isom #1” created somewhat of a stir on social media, particularly Reddit, where promotional videos for the comic book were banned from certain subreddits for “supporting comics from hate groups.”

But July tells Fox News Digital his comic book company is no such thing. “A lot of it has to do with the fact that I am a person that they simply do not like,” he said.

July, a self-described libertarian, hosts his own podcast and has appeared on several media outlets as a political commentator. July said he is “on a mission to spread liberty, speak out against nonsense and work towards a more free and prosperous society.”

July said a lot of entertainment today is out to “beat people over the head with stuff like social justice” and left-leaning agendas.

“To see the industry go in the direction that it’s gone kind of lights a fire under you,” July said. “It’s not like it’s getting any better. These people are doubling down on everything that they’re doing no matter how often the fans reject it.”

So, he created Rippaverse.

“I put my money where my mouth is,” July said. “I just started a comic book company. I told people I’m not beating the audience over the head with my individual political views with this, and that got me called the most ugly names I’ve probably ever been called in my life.”
It's just astounding how it's gotten to the point where being leftist and espousing such visions in all instances is now seen as a requirement by PC leftists. Of course, if you produced a comic with what's considered a right-wing leaning, that too would receive hostile reactions from them.

I wish July success with his venture, and let's hope it leads to a significant direction for indie comics in the future.

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