The guests featured at Shreveport's Geek'd Con this year
Golden is best known for being the co-creator of legendary X-Men hero Rogue, who first appeared in Avengers Annual #10 in 1981.But who today truly respects the guy for the best of his past work? Men like Golden are almost never hired by the majors today for anything significant, or worthy of anyone's time.
His other comic book character creations include comic book character turned video game star Bucky O'Hare, Marvel's Shadowqueen, Vertigo, Ultima, BUG, Ducktor Doom, and DC Comcis' Wrath, Abattoir, and Blackgate Penitentiary.
He is also well known for his work launching The Micronauts comic series. The series was based on the toy line, but was brought to life on comic book pages by Golden. His other projects include Batman, Spawn, She-Hulk, Doctor Strange, G.I. Joe, Star Wars, Birds of Prey, and others.
Golden's cover work has appeared on numerous publications including Detective Comics, The Walking Dead, The Punisher, Star Wars: Bounty Hunters, and more.
The other contributor who's noteworthy is Renee Witterstaetter:
Renee started out as an assistant editor at DC Comics working on Superman comics. Eventually, she moved up and worked as a colorist, editor, producer and writer. Some of the comics she worked on in her career include Superman, The Sensational She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man and The Avengers.And there you have a lady contributor to comicdom, who's not acknowledged by the PC crowd today, in all their efforts to make one believe women working in comicdom is an utterly brand new occurance. Her work on Sensational She-Hulk is to be admired, in all its Breaking The Fourth Wall satire, yet who among the PC crowd are willing to do that today? One more reason why it's unfortunate how veterans have been all but obscured in modern times.
She has been involved in some great key issues in the comic industry as well too. Including Amazing Spider-Man #362, Silver Surfer #34, and Fantastic Four #358 among others.
But not only has she been a creator in the comic book world, but she's even appeared in several issues of the Sensational She-Hulk as a character in the story. With her first appearance coming in She Hulk #40 (a pretty controversial issue).
Labels: Batman, conventions, dc comics, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four, good artists, good writers, history, indie publishers, licensed products, marvel comics, msm propaganda, Punisher, Spider-Man, Superman, X-Men