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Wednesday, June 07, 2023 

Documentary about Stan Lee at Tribeca film festival features unsuitable interviewee

One of the New York Times' most pretentious writers covering comics brought up a new documentary about Marvel's late guru
The documentary “Stan Lee” by the director David Gelb that debuts on June 10 at the Tribeca Festival in New York City seeks to change that. The film uses previously unreleased audio recordings and film footage and new and archival interviews to tell Mr. Lee’s story. The film, which will be available on Disney+ June 16, is a new way of seeing Mr. Lee, who was a constant presence in the lives of fans thanks to his writing, his voice work, his television appearances and his Marvel movie cameos. Here are some notable ones.
However, the writer had the gall to cite the writings of a certain novelist who didn't bring anything positive to comicdom:
Mr. Lee wrote a multitude of stories, but readers heard from him directly in the form of editorials on the back pages of many Marvel Comics. “Stan’s Soapbox” columns, written between 1967 and 1980, allowed him to ruminate on everything from the creative process to social issues. The author Brad Meltzer wrote in Mr. Lee’s obituary for Entertainment Weekly, “He gave an entire generation creeds to live by. Principles to emulate.” One of Mr. Lee’s editorials, from 1968, started with this: “Let’s lay it right on the line. Bigotry and racism are among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today.” A collection of his editorials is available from the Hero Initiative, a charity which helps comic book creators in need.
Look who's quoting - and has the cheap nerve - to discuss such issues, after he penned an anti-female screed in Identity Crisis, and minimized the seriousness of sexual assault in the process. What's really disturbing, however, is that the documentarians would have the gall to interview Meltzer after what he did back in 2004. What is so special about somebody like Meltzer that calls for giving him a spotlight in documentaries and other items about famous figures? How doesn't that risk undermining the subject in focus?

As a result, this looks like it'll be yet another item I'm discouraged from watching, no matter how much I'd like to see some documentaries focused on famous figures like Lee. The sad thing about these would-be historians is that they won't consider whether the resume of specific writers makes them poor choices for interviewing to make a documentary. No doubt, there's more cases like these, and it doesn't help those other documentaries either. That's going to be broadcast on Disney Plus, at a time when the company's gone woke, also doesn't help matters.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
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