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Sunday, May 12, 2024 

Anti-Israel LGBT group blocked Disney park entrance in Florida because of what an upcoming Marvel movie features

Israel National News reported an anti-Israeli LGBT movement in Florida blocked the entrance to Disney's theme park, not just stemming from hostility to Israel itself and siding with Hamas jihadists, but also because of the characters featured in at least one more movie on the Marvel slate:
A group of activists from the central Florida chapter of the 'Queers for Palestine' movement blocked the exit to Disney World on Interstate 4 in Orlando Florida yesterday (Saturday).

According to the activists, the reasons for their blocking families from the Disney World resort is that the company "supports genocide" in Gaza and the introduction of an Israeli superhero in the upcoming Marvel movie 'Captain America, Brave New World.'

The activists wore keffiyehs to cover their faces, blocked the exit with their vehicles, and unfurled a large banner that read "Free Palestine" across the exit.

Many motorists attempted to drive around the protesters so as to reach the theme parks. One man got out of his car to confront the demonstrators

“You are losing people to your cause because of this," the man told the protesters. "Think a little bit. You are causing people to actually hate you.”

One protester told the man to "go f- yourself" and called him a “genocide sympathizer.”

Police arrived at the scene a little more than 10 minutes after the protest began and arrested the activists who were blocking the street.

The upcoming Captain America movie is set to feature the character Sabra, an Israeli superhero who first appeared in Incredible Hulk #250 in 1980. Sabra was created by writer Bill Mantlo and artist Sal Buscema. Her secret identity is Ruth Bat-Seraph. A mutant like the X-Men, Sabra works for the Mossad and possesses the powers of superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance, and stamina. In her early appearances, Sabra fought the Hulk and has gone on to be an ally of the X-Men.
As once noted previously, Sabra was not given very good characterization or stories when originally premiered. Not everybody may know this, but Mantlo, back in the day, was sometimes more noticeably left-wing than some other writers over 40 years ago. And there's no telling if Disney, who should be avoided anyway based on the woke directions they've taken in the past several years, will provide Sabra with a respectable story and writing in the upcoming Capt. America sequel. We're way past the point where Marvel's live action movies could matter as it is. And, if the Planet of the Apes franchise was once significant, the latest news on yet another installment explains why it no longer is.

It's also bewildering as anything how these LGBT activists are either oblivious or have no issue with what Islam does to homosexuals. Though the trespassing felony committed by the activist group at Disney makes clear their woke pandering is backfiring on them, and on Marvel too by extension. In fact, one must wonder what these activists think of comicdom as a whole, based on how only so many early creators and publishers were Jewish when the industry built up in the Golden Age. Without a doubt, many of the left-wing activists who're in the know of the Jewish Golden Age origins despise the creations of the early founders as much as the creators themselves. This is what Stan Lee and Jack Kirby worked so hard for?

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