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Wednesday, June 26, 2024 

News about Image title called Horizon Experiment looks fishy

Variety has news of a Thai-American creator launching a comic series as Image that looks like it'll be another exercise in political correctness and propaganda, and the author and his other contributors look like they're leaning toward cliched themes:
Celebrated Thai American comic book creator Pornsak Pichetshote is launching The Horizon Experiment, a series of five one-shot comic books.

Each one features original protagonists from marginalized backgrounds set in a popular genre and inspired by pop culture icons. Each character’s unique background allows the stories to go into new directions.

Pichetshote is the creator of Eisner and Harvey Award-winning “The Good Asian” and “Infidel” books. Both are in different stages of development as TV series and a film, respectively. He was also a star editor at DC’s Vertigo imprint, working on titles including “The Sandman” and “Swamp Thing.”

“I’m fascinated with taking popular genres, like horror and noir, and seeing what they’d look like from diverse perspectives—I explored this in my Image Comics books Infidel and The Good Asian. But, I’ve been limited to my own experiences. So, for The Horizon Experiment, I decided to use the same mentality but open it up to other people, inviting some of the most talented people I know to work on it,” said Pichetshote.
The part about "marginalized" raises the question of whether this'll turn out to be some exercise in left-wing propaganda, unfortunately. And then, the creator himself perpetuates the notion that horror and noir are literally popular, but not bright adventure and comedy. But it's the following content in the project that confirms something is wrong:
The others include: “The Horizon Experiment: The Sacred Damned,” by Pakistani-American writer Sabir Pirzada (“Moon Knight,” “Ms. Marvel”), and who will be debuting his first Image Comics graphic novel “Dandelion” next week. “The Sacred Damned” is a love letter to classic horror and follows a Muslim exorcist, in a new interpretation of horror tropes.
And I guess this'll also depict the Religion of Peace in a postive, whitewashed light, right? Very disturbing Mr. Pichetshote's granting validity to this kind of stuff, long after many tragedies it resulted in, and allowing other propagandists to exploit his comics for the same, with the one here being a former contributor at Marvel for their own addition to the woke propaganda. That aside, he and the trade paper are perpetuating some of the worst cliches that're bringing down the entertainment industry, and there's no reason to finance stuff that's probably been written up just to clutter the bargain bins with tasteless propaganda. At least this makes clear Image is no longer a company a sensible creator should want to work at, especially if they forbid publication of right-wing creators, along with anything even remotely criticial of Islam. (And what if "Infidel" takes a negative view of anybody who doesn't support the Religion of Peace?)

It's certainly a shame the creator-owned scene is being littered with left-wing propaganda projects like these, which only drains away any perception the industry's interested in serious issues. Image sure isn't worth buying from now, if this is what they've come to.

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