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Wednesday, July 31, 2024 

More about Animix's exhibition dedicated to October 7, 2023

The Jerusalem Post has more news about what'll be featured at Animix's comics convention in the next week that's specially dedicated to the October 7, 2023 tragedy:
THE HORRORS of the October 7 Hamas terror attacks, as well as the nearly super-heroic tales of Jewish survival and courage against them, are explored in a soon-to-be-released French anthology titled In the Heart of October 7. Published by Delcourt, the anthology includes works by twelve local artists – from Uri Fink to Shay Charka – offering highly personal, and sensitive, histories.

Charka, for example, linked the heroic defense Aner Shapira offered fellow Nova party-goers – he tossed back Hamas-thrown hand-grenades until one exploded in his hand, killing him – to the Talmudic hero Avouka who hurled back the massive rocks fired by the Roman catapults to break the walls of Jerusalem during the siege.

In the comic, when Shapira offers his life to save others, the bird painted on the fortified shelter where he took his last stand soars to the air: the sort of poetic imagination only this medium allows.

“Comics are a highly personal medium,” Fink told the Post. “They are not produced in a factory, and this is why they are so interesting.”

Fink, for example, decided to draw Hamas terrorists as red-eyed fanatics in balaclavas. “I do not want to draw them as human beings,” he dryly added, “so it is nice of them to keep their heads covered.”

Other cartoonists drew them as human wolves, some decided to use Arabic script with French translation to present the readers with how it feels when a fanatic hurls insults at his victim.

The anthology presents the diversity of Israeli society and how Hamas terrorists harmed anyone with the misfortune of being where the massacre happened, Jewish or not.

Michel Kichka drew the story of Youssef Ziadna, a Bedouin driver who risked himself to save lives during the Nova attack. Some of Ziadna’s own family members are currently being held by Hamas in Gaza.

Serving as the Head of the Israeli Cartoon Association, Fink arranged free drawing workshops for families evacuated from the South following the Hamas attack. Thanks to Dorit Daliot, a literary agent and French-to-Hebrew translator of note, the idea to share Israeli perspectives with the world will now reach the French market. Delcourt’s chief editor Leslie Perreaut will discuss graphic novels with the local audience in French with Daliot offering Hebrew translation during the festival.

An exhibition of political cartoons, also curated by Fink, will share different perspectives on the war beginning on Saturday, September 28, at Saint-Just-le-Martel, a commune in west-central France.
This is definitely important information, and the artists are doing the right thing to take an approach damning the jihadists as the monsters they are. It's to be hoped all foreign conventions hosting these cartoons will stand firm on their display as well.

Update: here's more about the convention on Times of Israel.

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