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Tuesday, July 23, 2024 

Doctor Doom takes powers from Doctor Strange, and Lois Lane becomes Superwoman again

A writer at Softonic tells us that a new Marvel event called "Blood Hunt" depicts Latveria's despot acquiring powers from the Sorceror Supreme so that the former can supposedly save the world, not the latter:
In Marvel comics, there are three maxims: Most everyone has been part of The Avengers (about 125 heroes, more or less), dying is only temporary, and the position of Sorcerer Supreme changes from time to time. Although we all have Doctor Strange in mind as the Sorcerer Supreme, the truth is that over the years characters like Doctor Druid, Jericho, Clea, and even Loki have succeeded him in the role. And now it’s time to give it to someone else. Again.
What "truth" are we talking about, exactly? Most of these storylines came post-2000, and hardly count as anything, especially given that they're fictional. Stories like the one where Loki took over Stephen Strange's role were particularly forced. They've added nothing to the history legacy of Strange, let alone Marvel, and have only served as a form of shock value narrative.
Doctor Doom had been ruling Latveria undisturbed for a long time, but now he’s back for ‘Blood Hunt’, the current vampire saga that has the entire Marvel Universe in checkmate. Luckily, Doom can help fight the bloodsuckers, and for that he only needs a lot of magic. A whole lot. So much that Stephen Strange must transfer to him the power of Sorcerer Supreme.

And yes, we know not only that he’ll do it, but also that along the way he will take a piece of Clea’s soul, thus inaugurating the comic ‘Doctor Doom: Sorcerer Supreme’ in 2025. What could go wrong? Additionally, this happens during the same year ‘The Fantastic Four’ movie is released… and by now we should already know that both things go hand in hand. There’s no way to know what Kevin Feige is thinking, but it’s probably going to be pure magic. Time will tell.
Well the wise reader hopefully won't be waiting up. This is little more than another example of putting villains in a "heroic" role their past resume makes them unsuitable for, and if Doom could actually battle vampires, how can't Strange do the same? There were plenty of times he was seen fighting monsters until the late 90s, and now we're supposed to be rooting for a criminal like Doom to be portrayed doing the same? No way. At this point, we're also way past the point we could anticipate a Fantastic Four movie no matter the merit. If memory serves, any FF movie waiting in the wings could end up being as woke as anything else that's been produced of recent. This looks like yet another exercise in pointlessness at the expense of the actual heroes, all for the sake of putting specific villains in implausible roles.

There's also another article at Softonic about Lois Lane taking the role of Superwoman again in the pages of Superman, and this one's quite a puff piece too, with a certain inaccuracy regarding history:
Lois Lane first appeared in a comic book in June 1938, 86 years ago, and, as you can guess, she has experienced all kinds of things and suffered misfortunes over the decades, especially in the “golden age” where she had her own comic book title, which lasted 137 issues and featured some of the most bizarre covers in the history of comics. And the new modern times haven’t exactly forgotten about her…
Sorry, but that was the Silver/Bronze Ages where Lois had her own title (Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane, 1958-74), and when it was cancelled, any stand-alone stories for Lois in the pre-Crisis era continued at least until 1982 in the Superman Family anthology. This is another telling example of somebody who's not a historian misleading us.
The new comic series, Superman, has been announcing for a while that a new Superwoman was coming who would fight alongside our hero, but her identity would be very mysterious…if it weren’t for the comic’s own synopsis revealing that it is Lois Lane. And this is not the first time she has gained powers: in fact, she has already been Superwoman not long ago, in 2016, during the “Rebirth” era.

But hey, the first time the superheroine’s suit was tested was in issue 60 of “Action Comics” and the most memorable one was in the epic “All-Star Superman.” So, it’s not a surprise to anyone that now, suddenly, she has powers again. In the end, in the comics of DC and Marvel, everything changes… to going back to being the same.
But not to being entertaining in a plausible way. Something they won't ever admit. It's just another example from modern times of a civilian cast member being forcibly shoehorned into a superpowered role, and potentially costume too. And put out by bad writers/artists/editors who don't have a clue how to mend the damage done since the turn of the century so things could be plausible and entertaining again. All-Star Superman, IIRC, was a product of the overrated Grant Morrison, and anything he's written is also best forgotten. And why is Lois becoming a costumed heroine such a big deal, when Kara Zor-El serves the purpose far better as Supergirl?

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  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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