Marvel's taken a very Strange step to replace Stephen with Loki
There’s a new sorcerer supreme in town, and he’s a tricky one. Loki, the Asgardian god of mischief, will take over the role of Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme in a new Doctor Strange story from writer Donny Cates and artist Gabriel Henandez Walta. [...]Anybody who makes statements like that has no respect for fandom, and was never one themselves either. And to top it all off, they're even casting a villain in a role that was meant to be for a hero. It goes without saying they're uninterested in encouraging moviegoers who saw the Dr. Strange film to buy the comics.
“I've wanted to write for Marvel since I was a little kid, so the opportunity to come into this incredible world and play with all of these amazing characters is a dream come true for me,” said Cates in a statement. “Everyone at Marvel has been great to work with, and we've put our collective heads together to make some really special stories for the fans. I've never been more excited to tell the stories that I'm telling today. I feel like a kid again. Albeit a kid who is inflicting...just terrible things upon all your favorite characters.”
Axel Alonso also added:
"Donny brings big ideas to the table, and that's going to be immediately apparent in his first projects," said Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. "We expect him to be a major contributor to the Marvel Universe's evolution in the coming year...and beyond."In other words, he'll be both the new Bendis and a new Slott.
As for the big status quo change, Cates teased plenty of friction between the jilted Doctor Strange and the new Sorcerer Supreme. "That's right, kids...Loki has taken the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme from our good Doctor! What does that mean for Stephen? And what lengths will Strange go to see his title and his home returned to him? I'll say can guess all you like, but there is absolutely no way anyone will see the answers to these questions coming. As a dedicated Marvel fan myself, I can confidently say the events of this arc are some of the most shocking things in Marvel comics to date. I'm so excited to see what everyone thinks!"I think he's more interested in seeing how negatively fans will react, and then celebrate his success in turning us off while he laughs all the way to the bank with his paycheck. He can say what he likes, but anybody whose only idea for how to "entertain" is to realize editorial mandates and replace established characters with others for the sake of headlines is not a dedicated fan. At this point, their directions aren't shocking so much as they're snoozingly boring.
Labels: bad editors, Doctor Strange, dreadful writers, marvel comics, msm propaganda, Thor
It doesn't sound like he is replacing Stephen with Loki; it sounds like Loki is taking Stephen's mantle of sorcerer supreme and the story is about how Stephen gets them back. If so, he is still the hero of his own book. We don't really know yet. It is usually best to read these things first before denouncing them so vehemently.
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Anonymous |
4:31 PM