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Tuesday, July 02, 2024 

Nintendo's recent descent into PC with the Mario franchise

Here's another recent example from the subject of video games, this one of PC infecting Nintendo products like the Mario franchise. The Daily Wire told several weeks ago:
Nintendo restored a character’s previously hidden gender identity in the new English version of a Mario game, after initially introducing the character in the 2004 Japanese version of the video game as transgender.

In the new Nintendo Switch version of “Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door,” game makers have decided to make it clear that a supporting character named Vivian is transgender after previously removing the language in the 2004 English and German version of the game, UK Metro reported.

In the original 2004 Japanese version, released for the Nintendo GameCube, the villainous character — born as a male — is introduced alongside his two villain sisters, the New York Post noted.

Vivian’s sister Marilyn asks him how they can be defined as “the three shadow sisters,” before exclaiming: “You are a man! A man!” Vivian then replied, “Sorry, sister … it was my mistake … Sigh…” Metro noted.

In the European version, it is also clear Vivian is a man, replying to his sisters, “That’s true, you are two sisters, but I am a woman too now, and I’m proud to have turned into a woman,” Metro noted.

In the previous English version of the game, the character was described as “ugly” and was bullied, the Post noted. However, in the new remake with the English translation, Vivian tells Mario: “Truth is, it took me a while to realize I was their sister … not their brother. Now their usual bullying feels heavier,” the outlet noted.

Another reported change in the new version of the game is that Vivian’s trans status is now seen as something to celebrate and they have tamped down the teasing, the Post noted.
Although years before, as noted here, such characters were actually more cross-dressers/transvestites, it still isn't funny, and such practices are a form of gender-blackface, as I've pointed out before. Whether this is a USA-based localization, it makes little difference, it's just another example of the practice being drawn out and becoming insufferable. One of the commentors noted:
The problem here is not Nintendo of Japan, which I bet keeps the original cross dressing dialogue, but Nintendo of America and the Tree House that does the translation. The branch is located in Redmond, Washington and has definitely be[en] infiltrated just like all the other west coast companies. The[y] run all the translations for the english versions of the game and I doubt very much the top brass in Japan care what's going on here beyond sales. I personally know a guy I went to college with that works there and fits all of the alphabet/lefty tropes. His exwife disappeared to Japan for half a decade after they got married to reap the tax benefits, when their relationship fell apart from not being together she went trans. These are the people who work on the coast.
Ugh, it's surely far worse when women lose their minds over such ideologies, if that's what the person's talking about. How that solves anything in a failed relationship is mystifying. Here's another:
It really is too bad the whole thing turned into one big "Monkey's Paw" wish for this game. I mean, in speculation, fans of the Paper Mario IP have requested the return to a more true-to-form turn based RPG game like it's predecessors prior to Thousand Year Door. Plus, there was the request to re-release Thousand Year Door for Modern Nintendo Consoles. I suppose the fans got both, but at the cost of some "Modern Audiences/Progressive" ideas thrown in the remake. Arguably though, such ideas were in the original game from Japan back in 2004. Because of that, it's a tough call to judge the remade game. With that, I'm curious what the general consensus will be after a few days have passed with the game coming out. I do have serious doubts that Nintendo will provide an update to the game, or even provide the option for a different version players wish to play. That is assuming if there is a backlash and is large enough. Though, I suppose, that is what the modding community is for. Plus, you can always go back and play the original assuming you have the means to play it. Long story short, people should be very careful with what they wish for.
Correct. If fandom was asking for a remake, this is exactly why it's best to at least stick with the original editions. Or better yet, maybe not bother at all, if this is the kind of embarrassingly bad ideas they're going to adhere to. There may have once been a time when "remakes" would've been considered a great idea, but in an era plagued with political correctness and perversions of common sense, it's no longer something to be enthused about. Here's another comment:
This was an actual case of video game censorship back in the day, which I’m not really a fan of. However, what these localizers did was an example of censorship as well. Vivian doesn’t appear to have been “trans” in the original Japanese version. Rather, he was a feminine guy whose sisters bullied him and made him dress up as a girl. It also helped narratively to have a trio of “ladies” in this case. Congrats localizers, you censored the game again and made no one happy.

Needless to say, this probably doesn’t fit with their narrative, but bullying people to adopt an identity is spot on for these type of people.
It's even worse when men bully girls into such obnoxious practices. If real life feminists have done anything of this sort, one could figure it influenced bad leftist men to do it vice-versa too. Another said:
None of these characters could have been transgender in 1987, nor even in 2004 I would think. Trans used to mean transvestite. Literally cross dresser. The gender wars began about a decade ago. Seems like everyone above the age of about 30 ought to know this via their own recollection, right? It's fine if they restore these characters to their original form as the developers originally intended them to be. It's not fine if they get morphed into something else to comply with current gender war ideology.
And in response to this:
Truth. When I received Mario 2 in 1987, at age 11, I had no idea that there were delusional men who thought they were women (or wanted other people to pretend they were women). Instead, I was just really excited to play Mario on Christmas morning.

However, this should be a lesson that the leftists who wish to deform western culture by inserting sexually deviant material into children's toys and games, even existed 40 years ago. 40 years later, the leftist sexual degenerates are much less subtle when agitating for the pervert lobby.
On which note, here's one more comment vital for consideration:
This is the uncomfortable truth for the anime and gamer crowd that tend to consider Japanese games/medias are un-woke. On the contrary, they are much more woke and degenerate. Before LG was a thing, Japan's comic had a whole genre of them. Before the T showing it's ugly head, Japan's media had multiple stories about them. Before the push for pedophile normalization, Japan's media had been normalizing them.
Sadly so. Possibly as far back as the 1960s, these kind of atrocities were appearing in some form or other in various manga stories and anime productions, and some of the ones I've had the misfortune of seeing were so embarrassingly bad, it makes it difficult to watch them again. One factor that works in the favor of some past examples, however, is that unlike the USA, the Japanese are not always against depicting LGBT practitioners in the roles of criminals, or making a point that even LGBT ideologues are capable of doing something bad. Even so, there's still quite a bit going about in Japanese entertainment culture that's "woke" by leftist standards, and incredibly tasteless, to say nothing of a poor example. For all we know, Japan may have influenced a lot of western degenerates from then till now, and nobody considered the possibilities.

Anyway, this news, for all we know, could end up hurting the Mario franchise, to say nothing of Nintendo's reputation in particular if they keep this up. It's not even the first time they've had a troubling scandal - 15 years ago, a mother discovered pro-Islam propaganda being stealthed into a game hosted on their hardware systems. And Islam, ironically enough, is the only ideology opposed to LGBT practices that the leftists promoting LGBT ideology would be willing to refrain from pushing it upon. That said, even today, it's still possible video games licensed by Nintendo and other such sources could have pro-Islam propaganda concealed in the programs, and realists should be as alert for the possibilities today as yesterday.

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