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Monday, August 05, 2024 

Joe Quesada's new publishing company is one we don't need

The Idaho Mountain Express announced the pretentious former EIC of Marvel during 2001-11 is opening his own publishing outfit right over in the northwest:
...Former Marvel Comics executive Joe Quesada announced at the San Diego Comic Convention on Friday, July 26, that he is launching Amazing Comics Co. from Sun Valley.

[...] Quesada is a comic book artist and writer who recently retired from his role as chief creative officer for Marvel Entertainment. The late Stan Lee was Quesada’s mentor, and it was with Quesada’s help that the comic book empire was pulled from the brink of bankruptcy in the early 2000s and evolved into what we know it as today.
Seriously, Stan the Man was this charlatan's mentor? Recalling Quesada may have once said in an interview in the early 2000s that he thought Stan was "wrong" to marry Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson in 1987, it's awfully hard to swallow the claim Marvel's most famous contributor was ever his mentor. Besides, while Stan may have been a writer, Quesada was an artist, and a very mediocre one at that. Clearly, he "failed upwards" in getting the job of an editor at Marvel over a quarter century ago. They curiously don't mention Bill Jemas was also instrumental in getting Marvel out of bankruptcy, only to force some of his own form of PC upon them, among other terrible ideas, before he left their management in the mid-2000s, and he's since formed his own company too with Axel Alonso, AWA. Anybody who realizes what harm they caused to Marvel in the past decade would do well to avoid buying from them as much as Quesada's new venture.
While at Marvel, Quesada created the “Marvel Knights,” with characters such as Black Panther, Black Widow and Daredevil. He also worked on the storylines for “Captain America: Civil War,” “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Guardians of the Galaxy,” some of the company’s highest-grossing films.

Quesada was pivotal in helping develop the story of Miles Morales, a Black and Latino teen who becomes Spider-Man after Peter Parker dies. The film “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” in which Morales is the main character, won an Oscar for Best Animated Feature in 2019.

“Ultimately what it is about is establishing your imagination,” Quesada said. “Just as I did at Marvel, I want the fans to know they’re important to making stories, as they drive what we do.”
Well if he was using his imagination, he sure did so in the worst ways possible, for the sake of turning out some of the worst stories of the times, including in - but not limited to - Spider-Man. As their editor, he also oversaw Avengers: Disassembled, written by the vastly overrated Brian Bendis, another bad story they've never recovered from, yet despite the crude mistreatment of Scarlet Witch, the storyline went on to serve as the basis for a recent TV program and movie, WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. It's embarrassing that had to be, yet revealing of the hypocrisy Hollywood goes by regarding how women are treated there.

This is also the only mention of anything Spider-related here (with the Ultimate line curiously left out, making what they say about Peter confusing), as the paper clearly didn't see any need to challenge Quesada over one of the worst storylines he mandated as EIC, that being One More Day, and the sellout of the Spider-marriage to Mephisto for the sake of shock. No wonder that fiasco will never be mended any more than the damage Dan DiDio did to DC when he was their EIC.
The first comic book story line Quesada has been working on is “Disciple,” a prequel story to William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.”

“When Shakespeare’s story starts, Hamlet is already an adult,” Quesada said. “We are telling sort of a modern backstory. It is written by Charles Dorfman and myself.”
And it's something we don't need to waste money on. Even Quesada's earlier work as an editor was laced with PC, so why must we assume this'll be much different? It'd be better to stick with the original Shakespeare story instead.
Quesada said the company will release more titles in the coming months. However, he wants to slow-walk the releases to keep them special and keep readers in suspense because of the the way news gets devoured so rapidly. He is working with Florida publisher Mad Cave Studios and Belgian publisher Dupuis.

“The goal is to build it and expand slowly, and of course we want to have stories based here in Idaho,” Quesada said. “We are already working with artists and writers from all over the world.”
Oh, I've heard that one before. But that's not what they did with Marvel, having soon boomeranged back to company wide crossovers when Jemas left management. Nothing's special about Quesada's portfolio, and nobody should have to remain in suspense over stuff coming from somebody as cynical as Quesada's been since he became Marvel's EIC.
“I am really surprised no one has guessed it yet, but I am excited to finally do this big reveal and see what happens. My goal isn’t to compete with Marvel or any of the other big comic labels, just to create great stories and characters,” Quesada said.
And even this can't be taken at face value. Besides, if memory serves, didn't he and Jemas undermine business for Crossgen back in the day? It was embarrassing how they later became part of the same company when both were bought by Disney later, considering all the harm Quesada and Jemas did on their part 2 decades ago. That's not saying CG's late owner, Mark Alessi, didn't make dreadful mistakes when he was running them. But the way Quesada/Jemas acted was nothing short of embarrassing, and they're not qualified for working in the business.

I will not be buying from Quesada's new venture any more than I would Jemas, or even Frank Miller Presents, based on its own founder's employment of DiDio as an editor. What business do these destroyers of Marvel/DC coherency have working in the medium? They were never qualified to begin with, and the MSM's sugarcoating of all their worst errors is nothing short of appalling.

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