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Friday, September 27, 2024 

J. Michael Straczynski scripts Spider-Man again in the pages of Captain America

Marvel continues its degradation of the Star-Spangled Avenger, along with Spidey and even Thor, using one of the worst writers of modern times to get to that point, as announced in this fluff-coated Newsarama article:
Writer J. Michael Straczynski is well-known for his work on some of Marvel's most popular characters, with the fan-favorite writer currently helming the Captain America ongoing title. Now, in Captain America #14, Straczynski brings in two of the Marvel characters for which he's best known, with Spider-Man and Thor teaming up with Cap for a wild adventure.

Drawing on a bit of the Thor mythos, the trio become an "impromptu Warriors Three" as they team up (so much for Hogun, Fandral, and Volstagg it seems!). But whatever they're up against, it seems it could take them places they never expected, as their very minds and sanity may be on the line.

[...] Straczynski is well known for his work on Thor, which restored and altered the mythos of Asgard in the Marvel Universe by having the godly realm manifest on Earth. Likewise, he is perhaps best known for his long Spider-Man run, which culminated in the infamous story 'One More Day,' in which Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson trade their marriage to Mephisto to save Aunt May.
He's also known for at least a few stories that belittled the female casts, including Sins Past, which made both Gwen Stacy and MJ look bad. That Gwen was made to look like she'd still been conscious before the Green Goblin knocked her off the George Washington Bridge in NYC was just one of quite a few discrepencies with past continuity to boot. And all this is curiously told without any objectivity or opinions on whether JMS made serious mistakes that may never be mended.

And "fan-favorite"? Why make us laugh for the wrong reasons? I recall his Thor run stuck Sif in the body of an old lady for a number of issues (via the meddlings of Loki), and most women in that run were pretty much on the sidelines too. How odd that the modern wokesters don't seem to see that as troubling.

It's bad enough JMS was allowed to write Cap, since no chance he'll do any better than many of the worst writers who've gotten their mitts on the Star-Spangled Avenger's title in the past decade. Now, he's even being permitted by C.B. Cebulski to do more writing on Spider-Man and Thor, 2 characters whose titles he also succeeded in bringing down horribly in quality in the 2000s, and have never recovered as a result. Of course, even if JMS hadn't been given the green light to script those two anew, I still wouldn't want to waste time on his Cap rendition. Jack Kirby and Joe Simon's famous creation may never recover from the damage first done by Joe Quesada.

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