The Frightful Four sales-via-controversy statements
There's something more or less in common that the following four quotes have. And it's practically chilling, whenever I think about it:
I'm not sure exactly how to describe it, but, what you see above is a textbook example of how to talk DOWN to the audience. It's insulting to the intelligence, and it's not how any professional should try and draw in an audience.
And I figure this pretty much explains why Paperback Reader seems to have such a tiny audience.
"If nobody really cared, that's an insult to us. . .If they hate it, that's great. If they love it, that's great. But if they are like, 'Ehhh. . .So what? No big deal,' those are the ones that would bother us." - Rags Morales, in an interview with the AP WireNotice anything similar about the quotes above?
"Love it or loathe it, Identity Crisis was truly an event" – Andrew Smith (Captain Comics), December 26, 2004, Scripps-Howard News Service
"Identity Crisis, whether you like it or not, has ushered in a new era for DC and has been quite profitable. It also left several loose plot threads for other creators to tackle." -- Carl Towns, reviewing JLA #115 for Paperback Reader
"I'm also can't wait to read the final issue of Identity Crisis. Like it or not, it's gotten a lot of people talking about it." -- Lefty Brown's Corner, December 14, 2004
I'm not sure exactly how to describe it, but, what you see above is a textbook example of how to talk DOWN to the audience. It's insulting to the intelligence, and it's not how any professional should try and draw in an audience.
And I figure this pretty much explains why Paperback Reader seems to have such a tiny audience.
Labels: msm propaganda
I also read Identity Crisis because I'm a sucker, but I have not bought any of the follow-ups. I didn't care the Countdown was a dollar. I agree - it's sad that DC (or Marvel, for that matter) don't care if people hate their stuff. I can hate it vicariously and not give them money.
Posted by
Greg |
10:24 AM
Agreed. Similarly, it's a shame that the press did almost the same thing, and doesn't care if people hated the books either.
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