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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 

Just too mind-numbing

Broken Frontier spoils the latest part of Secret Invasion:
The schemes of the Red Skull and Dr. Faustus suffer a setback this month as their pawn, the deranged Captain America of the 1950s, begins to crack under the pressure. Worse still, the captive Sharon Carter-pregnant with Steve Rogers’ child- escapes and gets into a fight to the death with the Skull’s daughter, Sin-one that could cost the Skull dearly! But just who is the Skull more afraid of losing, Sin or Sharon Carter? The final scene this month is a shocker...
One more reason then why I'm glad I'm not wasting my time on this. It's also one more sign of how the current Marvel universe has become more like the old What If...? anthology series. And it's just too irritating by now.

Update: David Crandall at Icarus writes about the Avengers/Invaders tie-in to this monstrosity written by Jim Krueger and Alex Ross and finds that it's much worse than it sounds. I sensed that it was this bad when I saw the description of how the 1950s Capt. America was insane! Ugh.

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