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Wednesday, April 18, 2012 

Archie becomes a leftist bastion

The Slate website writes about how the Archie comics are basically becoming a leftist utopia, with the Kevin Keller as gay story, the Occupy story and gives some more insight to just how bad they've become:
Kevin isn’t the only sign that Riverdale is becoming a lefty utopia. When Barack Obama and Sarah Palin visited Riverdale in a comic last year, Obama sided with Archie in the election for class president, while Palin sided with villainous Reggie. In a separate series in which the characters appear as adults, Archie marries a black musician, Valerie, and has a daughter with her. (Kevin’s husband, Clay, is also black.)

The pattern continues in July, when the Occupy movement comes to Riverdale. The comic kicks off when Archie wanders past an “Occupy Riverdale” protest on his way to school and must decide which side to take. There’s no better symbol of the 1 percent than rich girl Veronica and her tycoon father, and an early look at the cover shows the Lodges and Reggie in opposition to do-gooder Betty and a mob of racially diverse protesters.
It's just like the people now in charge to villify the rich, isn't it, their own aspirations for money notwithstanding. The Occupy movement in Riverdale may be racially diverse, but what about in real life? According to this Trinidad Guardian article:
Curiously, the movement has failed to attract those who have been hit the most—minorities. Its supporters remain white and ultra-liberal young men and women who have the “luxury” and “pop” inclination to challenge the establishment and any semblance of authority.
And as this short video informs, there were some Occupy hoodlums harrassing a black man. With that kind of attitude, how can they expect to draw many minorities, and with the rapes that have taken place there, how can they expect to draw many women either?

To make matters worse, Archie is publishing a gender-swapping story, and Comics Alliance even had the gall to insult One Million Moms:
After more than 70 years of gender comedy and never-ending love triangle between Archie, Betty and Veronica, things are going to change in Archie #636, as Sabrina the Teenage Witch takes matters into her own hands and flips everyone into their opposite sex. Girls who like boys who like boys to be girls? Something like that, anyway -- and in an Archie comic, of all places! Concerned Mothers of America, if Kevin Keller made you nervous, this kind of gender swap comedy may drive you to an early grave.
Well now isn't that rude. And a gross misuse and desecration of Sabrina to boot. Neither the story premise nor the writer's own crack sound funny, and if they're going to keep writing this drivel, they could soon send their monetary fortunes down the drain, and fast. The staff at Archie, if anyone, are the ones who've turned the place into a leftist asylum.

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Archie Comics has descended into complete liberal stupidity, it would seem. And they must think that since Archie isn't as big as Marvel or DC that they can get away with it without people noticing.

As for Comics Alliance, I stopped going there a LONG time ago, when I realized just how crummy and leftist they were.


This is getting so stupid all I can do is laugh at it.

I don't have a problem with interracial romance (as long as it isn't the usual "nobody will be happy with a white person and black person dating" story), but the rest of it makes me uninterested. I like the Sonic and Mega Man comics (especially Mega Man) and that's all my interest in Archie. Might check out their "Red Circle" imprint, though.

The problem is that this used to be a comic anyone can read and now it's only for one social/political persuasion.

Sad part is that this is probably the biggest new about Archie's self-titled comic in decades...

One advantage that Kevin has over other gays/lesbian characters in comics is that he's his own character, he's not a revamp of another character like what Marvel and DC have been doing with race, politics, intelligence levels, etc.

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