Frank Cho stood up to SJW feminists
Here's Cho's reply to the overreaction:
Wow. What a crazy couple of days it has been. My parody cover sketch of Spider-Gwen aping the infamous Manara Spider-Woman pose sent some of the hypersensitive people in a tizzy.It'd also be a lot better if they focused on more challenging issues like how the topic of sex abuse was trivialized in Identity Crisis. Something I doubt a lot of these SJWs care about then or now. Reaxxion goes on to note:
To be honest, I was amused and surprised by the uproar since it was, in my opinion, over nothing. It’s essentially a small group of angry and humorless people ranting against my DRAWING of a pretty woman. It’s utter nonsense. This world would be a better and a happier place if some people just grow a sense of humor and relax.
Sadly, the SJWs usually get their way when it comes to comics, and it’s making comics suck. Not only do new comics suck, they don’t sell, even though they should. Even though superhero movies dominate the box office and there are four superhero TV shows on network television right now, Marvel and DC Comics are lucky to sell 100,000 copies of any comic. Part of the reason superhero comics can’t sell—despite the popularity of superheroes—is because SJWs are making them suck.Part of the reason SJWs could get away with it is because mainstream companies are obviously open to their balderdash, and because of the insular MO they run their business on today. Another is the heavy cover prices, which are bound sooner or later to reach 5 dollars apiece.
Thanks to the SJWs’ influence, many fans and creators have been chased away from comic books. If these whiners get their way, artists like Cho would be driven out of the industry altogether, and who would take their place?
This news does suggest that artists - along with some writers - are beginning to sense there's a hostile movement out there trying to undermine their work, and if they believe in the art they worked hard to master, they're going to have to fight back. Cho did the right thing to stand his ground.
Labels: Avengers, dc comics, good artists, marvel comics, misogyny and racism, politics
Hi Avi,
Just wanted to let you know. Wednesday's All-New X-Men #40 was leaked on the Internet today and Brian Michael Bendis just retroactively made Iceman gay. Yes. Iceman. A fifty-two year-old character and founding member of the X-Men created by Stan Lee. The retcon happened with Past Jean Grey (who acts nothing like Jean Grey) pulling him aside and outs him by reading his thoughts without permission. He then asks why he is gay but Present Iceman is not. Teen Jean replies by saying that his relationships haven't worked out too well and is still hiding it. No doubt this will be expanded upon by the next writer and a character that's been around for half a century will be tarnished forever. Here's a link to the leaked comic now on 4chan:
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:41 PM
Obsidian 2.0
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:44 PM
I would've punched her in the nose. Northstar would have slapped her.
Posted by
anonanon |
7:23 PM
There's no such thing as "Social Justice Warriors"; only Slactivists who enjoy the sound of their own voice from time to time
Posted by
Kory Stephens |
1:29 PM
Posted by
Drag |
3:36 PM