Simone will defend Wilson's work, but not Larsen's comments?
Last week, Marvel launched a new Avengers movie, “Age of Ultron,” and this month it’s launching a new comic book, “A-Force.” Ultron is a robot with artificial intelligence who believes that the only way to achieve peace on earth is to exterminate the human race. The A-Force is a race of lady Avengers, led by She-Hulk, who come from a “feminist paradise,” but I don’t know what that could possibly mean, because they all look like porn stars.Yes, she dismissed it merely from a silly, one-dimensional visual perspective. It's practically the kind of view SJWs are now espousing, including some of the writers at The Mary Sue site (whose staff reprinted a lamentation about the op-ed by Wilson herself), which includes quite a few apologists for Sarkeesian.
Gail Simone, despite her own leftism, spoke in Wilson's favor here, something she probably wouldn't do if other specific men/women were the subject of criticism:
How DARE you write a great book about amazing and diverse female characters?@GWillowWilson— GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) May 12, 2015
I really feel like anyone taking shots at @GWillowWilson is kind of my sworn enemy for all eternity and a little bit beyond.— GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) May 12, 2015
However, just two months ago, when Erik Larsen criticized practical outfits drawn for the sake of placating a vocal minority of whiners (translation: the SJWs), which would be favoring the artwork approach in A-Force, Simone said:
I like Erk a lot, but this is embarrassing.— GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) March 15, 2015
There are still a sizable number of people in the industry who see women as intruders. I don't think Erik is one of them. But they exist.— GAIL SIMONE (@GailSimone) March 15, 2015
Now let me get this straight. A woman who once helmed Birds of Prey for a few years along with artists who knew how to draw Black Canary and Oracle gorgeously in outfits that were anything but practical had a problem with a man complaining about cowards whining and body-shaming. Yet when a woman engages in that kind of SJW mentality, suddenly she's bothered? I don't get it, there's something not right here. I do faintly recall somebody saying over a decade ago when she was writing BoP that, if a man were doing the writing, there might be all the stupid complaints about sexism and whatnot, but when a woman does it, then there's no complaints. In that case, why must there be when a man is writing the book either? There is a double-standard at work here.
Furthermore, I can't help but feel that Simone's defense of Wilson may not be altruistic, and the counterargument Wilson linked to hints why:
There are definitely still strides to be made by Marvel in both its cinematic universe and comics themselves, in character costume and characterization, but the writers in mention, Joss Whedon and G. Willow Wilson, are doing something greater than “re-inventing” the female superhero. They are attempting to diversify the people we see as super heroes in our media. G. Willow Wilson, writer & co-creater of the latest Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan, is responsible for a groundbreaking series that has been consistently breaking print and digital run records featuring a minority: a Muslim teenager.Sigh. If they're going to tow in ideologies like Islam and speak of them in a superficial tone that doesn't question anything about it, then the writer of this muddle can't be very altruistic either, can she? She's effectively dampened the impact of her rebuttal by bringing that part in. In fact, she's merely cited a big reason why I'm discouraged from trying out a book with a premise I'd once have felt excited for - because Wilson's oh-so precious religion may be hidden as propaganda inside A-Force, whitewashed from top to toe. That's why I can't support her work as I would the classic work of better writers like Louise Simonson.
Pretty odd why Simone was going out of her way to attack Larsen despite delivering an argument that favors some of her work too, even as she defends Wilson for working with artists who're doing what Larsen defended. But, because of Larsen's horrific politics, that's why it's hard to feel sorry for him for all the pans he got any more than for Joss Whedon.
There is something important to note in all this though: if Islam wasn't involved, they might've been less negative to him. After all, he panned the Muslim Ms. Marvel outfit, and I think that played a partial role in the SJW condemnations he got (a few of his peers may have also shunned him, shades of what happened to Whedon). In the minds of apologists for Islamofascism, if the Religion of Peace is involved, that's supposed to put the book above criticism. But that's simply not true. No matter how the story is structured, and no matter the costume design or the artwork effort, a story involving Islamism is not above critique. At least one person who spoke to him tried claiming the Khan outfit was based on something from around Pakistan or Bangladesh. But does that mean the artist's design is any good? Of course not; even then, the design features can still be very disappointing, and are. There are Japanese art spectators who don't overlook clothing design just because something is based on outfits from their country. I'm sure that if you know where to look, you'll find observers from Japan who could say, "this drawing of a kimono is excellent, but this other one is lousy." And if they're allowed to opine on drawings based on notable garments from the far east, then so is a westerner.
Labels: Avengers, dc comics, Europe and Asia, islam and jihad, marvel comics, moonbat writers, msm propaganda, politics, women of dc, women of marvel
Any recent Muslim atrocities that have driven you bonkers today?
Posted by
Drag |
1:28 PM
Every day, any day, Drag. ;)
I said this before, but I'll repeat myself as Jill Lepore wrote last year's "Secret History of Wonder Woman," which detailed Wonder Woman's political origins, her creators and a early look at feminism. In the book, Lepore makes a few comments lamenting about the state of modern-day feminism. In that "how irrelevant feminism has become," but her sympathies are quite clear to the feminist cause and how she doesn't like how feminism lost itself or what not. She concealed her bias well enough in the book, but it's definitely there if you look. On the other hand, she didn't say away about Wonder Woman's connections to Margaret Sanger (yes, that one), so I have to praise Lepore if only for that.
That said, I'd love if Lepore and Simone got into Twitter lulz or wank, as Lepore's book didn't comment on any post 70's Wonder Woman era -- it's strictly on the 40's era, the life and immediate aftermath of Charles Marston and all the parallels with early feminism. But, yes, considering how Ed Benes did his share of Birds artwork -- thank you, Ed -- or anything with her current Red Sonja work, it does begs the question on Simone's double standard on Larsen vs. the artists of her own books.
Posted by
Killer Moth |
1:41 PM