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Tuesday, August 25, 2015 

6 more tweets by Marz

Here's a few more of Marz's head-shakers. Let's begin with this:

Does he thinks it's great news? If he does, that's shameful.

People like him seem to think constitutional rights don't apply to dissenters with Islam. Not even apostates. So what's his point?

Marz's notion that an awful politician like Carter is pretty informative of what his mind is like. Carter's the one who led to disaster in Iran, as he abandoned the shah in 1979, and made it easy for the ayatollah to take over. Carter's even tried to skirt around the gross abuses of women under Islam. Marz only has faith in the most dreadful of politicians.

So he still thinks the lion issue is the biggest deal this side of swiss cheese. If he really thinks preservation of carnivores is so important, then here's some ideas for other causes he could support and donate to:
But alas, knowing Marz, he probably won't consider any of those suggestions.

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Bribery, politics, idiots with guns, mangy lions; please change the record already. All I know is that the dentist shot a lion which proves A: the guy shouldn't be using guns much less delicate instruments that go in a person's mouth based on that performance and B: the natives probably told him that the "wrong" lion was shot if only to get more money out of the guy, money that was already frivolously spend on this idiotic trip to start with.

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