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Thursday, May 18, 2017 

Lois Lane's right leg gets sliced off

DC seems to have quite a record of depicting characters with severed limbs, and the latest issue of Superman is only continuing their superfluous trend:
And now, in today’s Superman comic, Lois Lane has lost one of her legs, above the knee, with Superman using his heat vision to cauterise the wound. Although in concurrent issues of Action Comics seemingly set after this, she is walking around without issue. Nevertheless, next time, maybe he should just read this...
Even if this is only temporary, it's sick and yet another example of how they're still sunk in an obsession with sensationalized violence for the sake of shock. Once there was a time when this kind of gore was at least kept silhouetted and not seen directly. Now, they show almost everything out in the open, and they wonder why nobody finds superhero comics in their current form appealing anymore?

Even Batman featured a similar story of recent, where Alfred Pennyworth had a hand sliced off by the Joker, and I shouldn't have to point out that just because this is Batman's turf by contrast doesn't make it any more tasteful or acceptable. Do I need to point out how it's far from realistic if the victims don't scream in serious pain at the very moment the terrible experiences hit them?

This may not be political per se, but it does demonstrate how DC has not moved away from the graphic gore they went overboard with over the years, one of the reasons why they're losing out: because this is all they can think of. Not character drama, just sensationalistic mayhem pretending to be "art".

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