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Sunday, September 10, 2017 

Busiek sought another opportunity to attack Trump

Kurt Busiek's kept up the old liberal act again with the following, which he wrote in response to somebody claiming people are trash-talking Hillary rather than dissenting:

Wow, he basically says he's bothered by trash-talk, and then he does the same! If he can't practice as he preaches, then what's the use of saying so in the first place? Oh, by the way, does he think the millions of people who voted for Hillary Clinton made a mistake after how she wronged several women, some of whom were victims of her husband?

While we're on the subject of Busiek, he also had the following to say about a proposed/planned remake of Stephen J. Cannell's 1981-83 TV show, The Greatest American Hero:

In a manner of speaking, yes! So they're remaking the old sci-fi comedy adventure with William Katt and the late Robert Culp, and think changing the gender of one or both stars is going to make it significant (the lead is also supposed to be of Indian descent). I guess he never bothered to take note of the de facto finale filmed in 1986, titled "the Greatest American Heroine", where they tried to do just that, and it led nowhere. I saw it myself once, and it was nothing to write home about. Very crummy, rushed, and a sad way to end what was a pretty good fantasy series. And if Busiek's supporting this PC remake in lockstep liberalism, it'll do little to convince he understands serious issues like the ones I've brought up at various times.

We've come to a point where people in showbiz make it impossible to trust they're not resorting to PC lunacy and social justice propaganda, and unless they let it go for a while and just create new protagonists in their own agencies, nobody will be assured they're serious about entertaining without shoving forced messaging down everyone's throats. If Busiek's ever brought back to Marvel/DC at this point, there'd surely be reason to worry he'd stoop to the kind of SJW activism in his scriptwriting that's plagued their books for the past several years. It's sad, but I think he could be all washed up lately as a superhero writer, so long as he sticks with the dreadful political obsession he's got lately.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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