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Wednesday, December 06, 2017 

Marv Wolfman communicates with the wrong bunch and swipes at the Koch brothers

I can't believe Wolfman's added himself to the list of creators who're associating with men like Bendis and Meltzer...or can I? First, he congratulated Bendis over his move to DC:

Wow, does that mean he's okay with the hack job Bendis did on Scarlet Witch in Avengers: Disassembled? Or the degrading treatment of Jean Grey in X-Men? Or even his part in the Civil War crossover? There's several instances in Bendis' work that were very poor, yet Wolfman chooses to ignore? Very sad. Then, he posted an agreement with Meltzer on a subject involving Superman:

Well, I guess we can understand now why he never brought forth any complaints about the nasty depiction of Deathstroke in Identity Crisis, where Meltzer and Rags Morales depicted Slade Wilson punching Zatanna's stomach hard enough to make her vomit, and wrapped a leather bag over Black Canary's head, among other obnoxious deeds, before Green Arrow manages to stop him. I admire a lot of Wolfman's past work, but this is beneath even him. It's utterly stupid to associate - and to communicate - with such disgraceful writers, the former who's long become notorious for his one-dimensional rendition of Scarlet Witch as crazy in 2004, the same year the latter rendered Jean Loring crazy and depicted Sue Dibny raped in flashback by Dr. Light. Seriously, I think Wolfman's making a terrible mistake.

And if that's not sad enough, Wolfman even wrote a swipe at the Koch brothers, no doubt lacking altruism along the way, because they're interested in buying Time:

Who cares if they buy the dumb magazine? I stopped reading it long ago, because of how ultra-leftist, anti-Israel and anti-American it became, and that may not even change after the Kochs buy a stake in the magazine. So what's the big deal to guys like Wolfman if they buy it? Circulation is surely as bad now as it was for Newsweek when they all but stopped their print editions, so it's not like anybody reads it much anyway. I don't think the Kochs are saints, and there have been some times when they've been galling, but the problem is that leftists basically attack them for all the wrong reasons.

It's not often I've seen Wolfman making political comments, which is a good thing, but sometimes, when he does, it's very disappointing, as is his willingness to associate with men like Meltzer and Bendis. This is another demonstration of why there's so many writers who did fine work in the past whose work has to be taken with a grain of salt now.

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" it's very disappointing, as is his willingness to associate with men like Meltzer and Bendis. This is another demonstration of why there's so many writers who did fine work in the past whose work has to be taken with a grain of salt now."

Why do I feel like I am listening to the Mean Girls in high school? Just because Wolfman exchanges emails with someone who is not politically correct enough, does that means his work should be taken with a grain of salt?

A willingness to listen to and dialogue with people who don't share all your political views is a mark of intelligence and confidence, not to mention common sense. It is not something that people should be called out for.

The writers deserved to be called out for their constant whining and flat-out rude behavior toward fans.

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