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Thursday, February 22, 2018 

Seeley adds another Muslim to Green Lantern

And another human character too, again suggesting aliens aren't good enough for these SJWs. As Tim Seeley said earlier, he's using the GL franchise for the sake of the same politics Geoff Johns forced in, and now, as the notoriously clickbait Bleeding Cool's announced, it currently comes in the form of yet another Islamist who's codenamed "Night Pilot":
There haven’t been that many Muslim superhero characters created by the Big Two that have stepped outside the stereotypes.
Yup, it's the classic old propaganda again claiming Islamists who conduct negative behavior are nothing more than "stereotypes", completely ignoring the Koran. So, what else is new? Though interesting they show these two characters engaging in what hardcore Islamists will either accept for the sake of propaganda purposes if they think there's an advantage, or they'll despise altogether: lovemaking.
Nightrunner created by David Hine and Kyle Higgins in Detective Comics Annual #12, was a French citizen of Algerian origin and part of the Batman Inc project as the Batman of Paris. But he fell foul of the New 52 reboot and hasn’t been seen since. Though that reboot gave DC Comics the new character Simon Baz, Green Lantern created by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke in 2012 and who has now joined the Justice League.
And this is just one of the reasons why I'm glad I no longer read Johns's scrap piles. As if the jarring violence and hints of sexism and sexual abuse weren't bad enough, he took a step further and revealed his leftism at its most blatant 6 years ago.
And it’s through Simon that we meet Night Pilot. With a flashback in today’s Green Lanterns #41.

And learning of their common religious connection, discovered on the superhero dating app, Caper. Can fly, can fly fast and a Muslim. And someone who might get Simon, rocking her Jonni Future-style headset.

[...] Speculators may note that we had met Night Pilot before, in Green Lanterns #35, though we didn’t know she was Muslim. It seemed their date a month ago went rather well.
And it's one realists needn't bother to read about. If this is what the current spinoff title is about, that's why it's even worse than the flagship, which is now called Hal Jordan and the GL Corps. So, like I've said, with these kind of writers using DC's output as little more than an excuse to foist noxious propaganda upon the audience, it's clear DC can be just as SJW-plagued as Marvel can.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
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