Gal Gadot chooses Batman over Superman
I found this Vogue interview video through Cosmic Book News where Gal Gadot is asked 73 questions, and in one simple query around 9 and a half minutes, she takes the same politically correct stance as anybody else in showbiz:
Wonder Woman Gal Gadot chooses Batman over Superman in a "73 Questions" promo interview with Vogue.Well I'm mighty disappointed. I've been aware she's from an awfully PC form of thought, but that doesn't make this any less irksome that yet another somebody in Hollywood's taken the predictable route and chosen the Masked Manhunter at the Big Blue Boy Scout's expense. How many more PC advocates will "go with the flow" and make such an obvious choice?
While participating in the interview which took place at the 5-star- luxury resort, the Montage in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, one of the questions Gal Gadot was asked was "Batman or Superman?"
"Batman," Gadot replied rather nonchalantly as she walked out onto the hotel balcony.
Maybe the irony in all this is that Gadot's playing the role of a heroine whose world was anything but dark itself, and, no matter what kind of scary Greek mythology-derived adversaries could turn up, from Ares to the Gorgon, WW usually learned more to the optimistic side than the pessimistic one. This type of cliche among showbiz contributors is getting ridiculous.
Labels: Batman, dc comics, msm propaganda, Superman
Apart just from the general use of politically correct as meaning 'anything I don't like this week', why do you think Batman is the more politically correct choice? Batman seems more like the right wing pick. Apart maybe for a period in the sixties and seventies, he generally sees crime as a problem created by moral flaws rather than by economic injustice. His whole existence as a millionaire dogooder seems to justify wealth disparities. He does not believe in reading criminals their Miranda rights.
Superman, on the other hand, at least until the last few months, deliberately chose to maintain an identity as a guy working for a weekly paycheck in order to keep in touch with ordinary people. He has an alien and has an origin that makes it easy to see him as a refugee kid made good; Dreamers would identify with him. He helps people all over the world, not just at home. He is the more lefty of the two.
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Anonymous |
5:28 AM