Some creators who despise J.K. Rowling for taking a courageous stand, in contrast to theirs
Me (has a little break in the fundraising, crashes hard, wakes up): Gee, I wonder if JK Rowling used this time to reevaluate her position in the world and use her huge platform and standing to...— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) June 6, 2020
(two seconds later)
Me: Oh.
Not on my dying fucking DAY.— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) June 6, 2020
I'm a little loopy.
I'm not judging others.— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) June 7, 2020
Oh, put a lid on it. She is judging, and she sure hasn't urged others to just ignore Rowling if they really have such a problem with dissent. Let's also remember a few years ago, Simone supported allowing male transgenders into public bathroom facilities, without any concern over the safety of women and children going there. This proves she hasn't let it go, nor does she have any regrets over her prior stance, putting transgender rights ahead of women's rights.
Oh, for God’s sake.— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) June 7, 2020
It's all bad, but this one hurt my heart the worst, somehow. The condescending deceit of it.— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) June 7, 2020
The petty, mean spite.
Here, she's pretending woman-hating is impossible. Please, tell us about it. And do tell us the hatemongering Rowling's now experiencing isn't petty and spiteful.
A few days later, she added:
JKR: “BUT THE PEOPLE NEED TO HEAR MY SHITTY OPINIONS!!”— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) June 10, 2020
The whole thread she wrote here is devoted to insane, obsessed attacks on Rowling that could've been avoided, and only make it harder to divide her art from her personality. Not that she's had much of anything brilliant to offer in the past decade since she stopped writing Birds of Prey, though, and it's unlikely she'll have much going forward.
Since we're on the topic, Simone was one of several people who were involved in a private Facebook group led by women dedicated to destroying careers of male writers (more on the subject over here). The revelations also confirmed more than ever why Alex deCampi is somebody who's blabber can't be taken at face value, and why publishers who care about their business shouldn't hire her, or Simone for that matter, if she's involved in this whole disturbing social media issue.
And Simone wasn't the only one to villify Rowling in comicdom. Writer Tom Taylor is another nut who couldn't show the courage to praise Rowling for a courageous stance in favor of women's rights:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Escalating Disappointment.— Tom Taylor (@TomTaylorMade) June 6, 2020
Maybe Taylor should take a good long look at his own writings for mainstream, which have only served a direction that's brought down DC/Marvel.
There's also - wouldn't you know it - Kurt Busiek:
I grow very, very weary of JK Rowling.— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) July 6, 2020
Tell us about it. We've grown very weary of Busiek and his needless political drivel for years. Maybe this is why he rarely works for the Big Two in about a decade. There's more:
Do you like Kipling?— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) July 6, 2020
- I don't know, I’ve never kippled!
Do you like Rowling?
- No.
Sigh.— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) July 6, 2020
She can have opinions, I can be weary of them. I hope her noxious opinions that deny the basic humanity and worth of my son do not cause more pain in the world than they already have, but I fear they will.
Fuck off. This is your last warning.— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) July 6, 2020
No, never mind. “Who was a man a year ago” is enough bullshit right there.— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) July 6, 2020
Uh oh, looks like Kurt flew off the handle there, all for the sake of his extremist beliefs. Won't be shocked if he's since added the poor guy defending Rowling to his list of over 10,000-plus people he's blocked, all because they either slight his cultist positions, or because they support Gamergate/Comicsgate, or because they're simply too conservative-leaning for his tastes. Recalling Busiek was among those condoning transgender bathroom bills a few years back, this confirms he hasn't changed any more than Simone.
I keep getting bits of them RT’d into my feed.— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) July 6, 2020
I’m glad people are opposing it too, Nat.— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) July 6, 2020
I am nonetheless weary. I don’t think these are mutually-exclusive positions.
If your instinct here is to tell me how much you like Rowling, or worse, to try to argue her position at me for her, save us both the trouble.— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) July 6, 2020
“I’m really tired of this bullshit” is not an invitation to shovel up some more.
Straight from the guy who's shoveled up plenty of insults to everyone's intellect over the years. And who must resent Rowling because she made a lot more money than he ever did in his career. Ah, that must be it. A man who resents a woman getting wealthier than the menfolk. Sigh. Wouldn't be surprised if he thought the same about actress Grace Kelly, who became mighty rich after she married the prince of Monaco in 1956.
Card seems a lot easier to ignore these days. And doesn’t seem to be on a tear to make life worse for people in his country who’ve never done him any harm (he’s probably still trying, but he pretty much failed at it years ago, unlike the current TERFs in the UK).— Kurt Busiek Resists (@KurtBusiek) July 6, 2020
So Kurt's hostile to feminists who dare exclude men posing as women, is that it? Tsk tsk. I guess he's no longer a fan of Wonder Woman, recalling he may have written at least one WW story at the end of the pre-Crisis era in the mid-80s. And, I guess he's no fan of Gal Gadot either. If William Marston wanted to create WW today, it would be rejected by SJWs like Busiek because the Greek mythological premise of a women-only society does not meet their modern PC standards, and because the Paradise Island/Themyscira setup represents the makings of a TERF. And if Card supported women's rights from this current propaganda, Busiek would probably slam him for that too. Interestingly, I discovered Busiek once posted replies to a tweet Rowling wrote 3 years ago. Guess he regrets conversing with her now? And in case I forgot, it's regrettable to see Gertler, both a comics writer and historian on the same, backing up Busiek's current position, which probably also includes condoning this terrible matter.
But, I do wonder, what would these buffoons say about Islamists who oppose transgender ideology in the UK and elsewhere? Do the above comics writers detest that British Muslims may have done what British TERFs didn't? If a Muslim writer had voiced opposition to the ideology, there'd be no fuss made by these clowns. An ordinary woman, however, one who suffered sexual abuse in her 20s, makes an easy target, apparently, and sure does contradict their supposed pro-feminist positions.
Anyway, it's a terrible shame, but no real surprise, that there's some rigid fools on the left of comicdom who can't appreciate Rowling's concerns for women's safety, nor do they find it disturbing what kind of horrific reaction she's received since. Her courageous position is something that should be honored by those emphasizing heroism and free speech, and if Simone, Taylor, Busiek and Gertler can't do that, it just confirms all the more why they shouldn't be working in superhero comics. Maybe they should all be writing novels instead?
Labels: Europe and Asia, islam and jihad, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, politics, violence
This is the biggest anti-SJW thing to happen in years. It's a double wammy because Rowling's earlier retcon of Dumbledore's gay persona brought her a large number of SJWs to her followers - which she now loses. If Rowling isn't "canceled" and picks up a whole new set of followers, the the fear of twitter canceling - which is animating a lot of cowardly corporations to give in to the mob - may be significantly reduces.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:19 PM
Aren't Busiek and Simone taking an equally courageous stand? They are exposing themselves to the same kind of toxic feedback as Rowling is, except from other keyboards.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:45 AM