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Saturday, October 22, 2022 

So-called right-winger who published comics was involved in fraud for producing an anti-woke superhero movie?

The far-left Daily Beast says Theodore Beale, the alleged right-wing author who did some comic publishing, and who's sadly got a few things in common with Kayne West, reportedly lost a ton of money for a superhero film project:
An attempt to make a right-wing superhero movie has ended in disaster, with $1 million missing in China and a participant facing a federal indictment.

“I wouldn’t count on us getting the money back,” Theodore Beale, a far-right blogger known as “Vox Day,” admitted to his fans and investors in a video last week.

This isn’t how Beale’s followers thought their investments would go in 2019 when they started contributing to fund a film based on a Confederacy-themed superhero comic book character created by Beale. A trailer promoting the proposed movie, Rebel’s Run, featured the character Rebel fighting a global police force hunting down freethinking conservatives.

Frequent Tucker Carlson collaborator Scooter Downey signed on to direct. Beale’s supporters rapidly blew past an initial $750,000 funding goal, ultimately raising more than $1 million.

That money was supposed to be held in escrow to secure several million more dollars in funding. Three years later, though, the cash is gone, and with it Beale’s hopes for a movie.

The Rebel’s Run collapse stands as a cautionary tale for conservatives who dream of seeing their ideas turned into films, and comes as right-wing media outlets increasingly dabble in motion pictures. Commentator Ben Shapiro’s company has a streaming website that offers movies with a conservative tinge, including a thriller about a school shooting and a western starring “canceled” actress Gina Carano. Earlier this year, Breitbart News distributed a Hunter Biden biopic. But Rebel’s Run collapse stands as a cautionary tale for conservatives showing that the jump to movies isn’t a risk-free endeavor.

There was reason to think Beale and his fans could realize their dream of going from comic books to cinema, if only through sheer fanaticism. His devoted followers call him the “Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil,” and describe themselves as his “minions.” Beale’s supporters, who frequently complain about supposed progressive “social justice warrior” influence creeping into fields like video games and science fiction, had already funded a handful of comic book issues and stirred up a controversy at science fiction’s premiere awards.
I don't know what exactly is going on here, but because of Beale's positions on Jews, that's why it's hard to feel sorry for him if he lost money. His positions, which aren't all that different from what the aforementioned West regrettably expressed, seriously detract from his alleged standings, and as a result, if Beale describes himself as a right-winger, he's an embarrassment. And Beale actually read comics with Jewish creators?!? Utterly mystifying. If Citroen cars and trucks were sold in the USA/Canada again and he bought one of their models, that too would be bizarre, because their founder, Andre-Gustave Citroen, was Jewish himself. Why these so-called auteurs obsess themselves with the creations of people whose racial/ethnic background they don't respect is beyond comprehension.

Assuming the Daily Beast's not distorting anything here, it's also bizarre that Beale created a comic starring a Confederate doing favors for conservatives, since the 19th century Confederacy was run by Democrats in the 7 southern states that were advocating slavery and racism. I guess this does strongly suggest Beale's out to humiliate right-wingers in the long run by claiming he's right-wing, while maybe in reality, he's left-wing? I don't know, but people like him have made it so difficult to support them, that it's not sad to see they're having these financial difficulties and fallouts. It's a shame, of course, that there've been at least a few conservatives who've worked for him in the past, like Chuck Dixon, because even if Beale paid well, his political MO makes him an embarrassment. If he'd only abandon that kind of approach, he might have a better reputation, and not end up on the fringes like the aforementioned West is today. Unfortunately, these kind of ideologues just don't jettison certain prejudices within a fortnight, and so, that's why a lot of mainstream conservatives can't bring themselves to give them any backing.

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