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Friday, August 25, 2023 

Marv Wolfman pens another comic story for Marvel, far too late

Superhero Hype announced veteran writer Wolfman, famous for writing Tomb of Dracula as much as DC's New Teen Titans, returned to Marvel to pen an alternate reality story in a new volume of What If, this one using the subtitle Dark - as if we didn't have enough of that already - spotlighting Blade, the African-American vampire hunter Wolfman introduced in TOD back in 1973 with artist Gene Colan:
What If…? Dark: Tomb of Dracula #1 arrives in comic shops this November. Written by Wolfman and illustrated by the duo of David Cutler and Scott Hanna, the one-shot will explore an alternate reality where Dracula successfully turned Blade into a full-fledged vampire.

[...] “In 1972, I was a fledgling comics writer who mostly wrote short 2 to 8 page ‘monster’ stories when Editor Roy Thomas asked if I’d like to write TOMB OF DRACULA, my very first series for Marvel, and the book that would jumpstart my career,” Wolfman said. “So it is a real thrill now that 50-plus years later Marvel asked me to once again dive into that pool with this very special WHAT IF…? story, and to bring back that great cast of characters that artist Gene Colan and I created so many years ago. Thank you, Marvel, for giving me the chance to play with old friends one last time.”
Wolfman may be over 70 years old today, but seriously, he didn't need "one last time" at all. When the former House of Ideas is overrun with ideologues who've practically taken apart all the veterans worked hard to build in the first place, including the original What If volumes, there's no point in returning under those circumstances. Besides, what if Wolfman complies with any PC dictates put before him? He never complained about the dire paths the Big Two were going down since the turn of the century (and made everything worse by sugarcoating Brad Meltzer), and if he insists upon remaining in "good terms" with them just because he'd been a legend for many years, that's not doing any good. This new What If? story Wolfman's penned is coming far too late, and is built on a very laughable platform of just rehashing old titles with lazy twists like an emphasis on darkness, without really guaranteeing any quality in the end. It's really not doing veterans any good to write a new story years after the heights of their careers when modern PC is making them stale.

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