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Tuesday, August 22, 2023 

Disney remaking League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Giant Freakin' Robot announced actor Brad Pitt is signed up for working on a remake of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, based on Alan Moore's GN, and wouldn't you know it, Disney-owned 20th Century studios is in charge of this new take on an adaptation that was unsuccessful when the late Sean Connery co-starred in the 2003 adaptation as his last official movie performance:
No, as far as we know he isn’t reprising his extremely short-lived role of the Vanisher in Deadpool 3 (but you never know). Instead, our trusted and proven sources have informed us Brad Pitt is attached to star in a reboot of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Coming from the Disney-owned 20th Century Studios, this will mark Pitt’s first time as the star of a Disney comic book adaptation.

We don’t yet have a lot of details about The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen reboot beyond Brad Pitt’s casting, which makes the question of who he might be playing an intriguing one. Our first, best guess would be that Pitt would be replacing the late Sean Connery as adventurer Allan Quartermain.
Well I'm afraid this is all coming much too late. At this point, not only is Disney's brand is considered so toxic, the studios they now own could be too, and the sensible would have valid reason to worry any new adaptation would be very woke. And maybe not even very exciting at all, since modern adventure writers seem more content to turn these films into lectures, subtle or otherwise for issues that do far more harm than good.
...the nature of both the comics and the 2003 film complicate things. First, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen screen adaptation wasn’t shy about deviating from the source material. Both Dorian Gray — from the 1891 Oscar Wilde novel The Picture of Dorian Gray — and Mark Twain’s iconic Tom Sawyer appear in the film as protagonists, even though neither are part of the group in the comics.
If the now 20 year old film could deviate from its source material, who knows what'd happen if Disney remakes it? They could really deviate...towards a very woke direction, making it even less entertaining than even the 2003 adaptation ever was. Let's also consider that, if Disney had any influence in the decision to issue a censored edition of the French Connection from 1971, there's no telling what kind of influence they could have over the adaptation of a GN penned by a guy who became super-disillusioned with the USA entertainment industry, and it didn't matter to them he was as leftist as anybody else over there; they really did a disservice to his work.

So, I wouldn't put any eggs into this basket, if it gets greenlighted by 20th Century, or even Disney proper. They're no longer good stewards for adapting these comics.

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