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Tuesday, August 27, 2024 

Hollywood actor making his own comics, but nothing original

The Hollywood Reporter tells about actor David Dastmachian, a friend of the pretentious director James Gunn, who's now writing comics himself. And it looks like his resume's not much different from various other "auteurs" of this era:
He was excited to tell his friend that he’d landed a job writing a Creature Commandos comic for DC. Little did Dastmalchian know, Gunn — soon to be named head of DC Studios — was already working on his own take on Creature Commandos as an animated TV show about the team of monsters.

“He goes, ‘Look!’ He already had animatics and footage from his animated series,” says Dastmalchian, who worked with Gunn on The Suicide Squad. “I was afraid maybe my comic series would get canceled, because it’s a different Creature Commandos than what James is doing, and he said, “No, no, no. It’s totally fine. It exists. And certain publishing stories can exist separately.”

Creature Commandos is just one of eight comic book projects Dastmalchian will unveil in the coming year or so. It’s an eye-popping number for any writer, but it is all the more impressive given that comic books are Dastmalchian’s side gig. He is best known as the prolific character actor who has jumped between Marvel and DC in movies like The Dark Knight and Ant-Man, and who has worked multiple times with directors such as Denis Villeneuve and Christopher Nolan.

In between film and TV projects, Dastmalchian has spent the past few years building up his comic book portfolio, starting out as the creator of the Dark Horse horror comic Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter. A third volume of the well-liked series will arrive in trade paperback later this year.

[...] Other upcoming projects include working on the anthology DC Horror Presents, which features horror tales from the DC universe. “We’re getting to use a classic Batman villain, but in a really twisted, gory way. And more importantly, this villain’s daughter who hasn’t appeared in a lot of comics yet,” says Dastmalchian, who teams with frequent collaborator Leah Kilpatrick on it. The duo are also writing an entry in the Dark Horse Horror special the Headless Horseman, a tale he describes as a tribute to The Creature from the Black Lagoon. He also has a project with the new company Panick Entertainment.
Somehow, it isn't surprising a Hollywooder like Dasmalchian could turn to the easiest directions as he has, turning out yet more horror-themed comic tales, and practically boasting about the gore that'll be coming up in one of the DC series he's writing. There's nothing original in what's reported here, and no matter what the project or the publisher overseeing them, this guy's stories don't sound like anything worth writing home about. Once more, a huge disappointment of a news item about another Hollywooder who can't offer anything along the lines of descent escapism, just more bleakness that's no antidote for how the world is falling apart around us.

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