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Wednesday, February 05, 2025 

Donald Trump cancels funding for transsexual comic in Peru

Cosmic Book News reports on a LGBT propaganda comic that was being printed with USA tax dollars in Peru, which Donald Trump has now wisely withdrawn funding for:
It’s learned President Donald Trump’s new DEI policies have impacted the comic book community.

According to House Foreign Affairs Chairman Brian Mast (R-Fla.), under President Biden’s administration, Biden DEI policies were funding a trans comic book in Peru.

[...] “Let’s see, there was a transgender comic book,” said Mast. “We’re trying to get our hands on the actual comic book, in Peru, and I heard it’s reasonably risqué.”

According to the Daily Mail who looked over federal documents, the trans comic book from Peru received $32,000 under former Secretary of State Antony Blinken who served under Biden.

American comic books infected with DEI

DEI has not only impacted the foreign comic books, but also those known as the “big two” in the United States. Both DC Comics and Marvel have come under fire from fans for their woke agenda, something that has been going on for over a decade.

DC has made a lot of their characters gay, including Superman. Marvel has also replaced classic characters with woke versions
. This website actually got its start back in 2008 as a result of Marvel Comics going with politically correct versions of original characters.
Well not Kal-El/Clark Kent, though I'm sure they would if they thought it easy. In this case, it's the son of Superman introduced in the past decade who was forcibly turned gay for the sake of woke agendas. And the worst part is that, if recent management of DC/Marvel is any indication, they vehemently refuse to let go of the direction and let it remain in the past. And even then, DC/Marvel continuity has become so ruined it makes little difference; much of what transpired over the past quarter century has to be jettisoned because it's just so awful.

It should also be remembered that DC preceded a lot of this woke nonsense at Marvel at the time Identity Crisis was published in 2004, introducing as they did an Asian Atom, Black Firestorm and Latino Blue Beetle. We could even add the lesbian Question and Batwoman, the former role taken by a character who may have originally appeared in Batman: The Animated Series, Renee Montoya, who was not originally lesbian until Gotham Central co-writers Ed Brubaker and Greg Rucka decided to retcon her. In fact, if memory also serves, one of the writers who was involved in that forced and contrived step, Brubaker, later retconned a minor character, Holly Robinson, into a lesbian in the pages of Catwoman. Again, anybody who thinks it's bad enough Marvel went miles out of their way to do race/gender-swapping over the past decade would do well to take a good look at DC's own efforts, which were also not based on story merit but on political agendas. And they all came about in the worst ways possible, at the white characters' expense.

Donald Trump did the right thing to cancel any and all funding for this propaganda rag they speak of. And anybody who thinks LGBT ideology is such a big deal would do well to just create their own comic and fund it themselves.

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