If you're one of those who thinks that the JLA's series has been of weak standing in the past few years, it's not going to get much better with the following news:
Brad Meltzer returns to DC with JLA relaunch.
And I'm not saying that because I think the comic book answer to Al Franken, overrated as he is, could do the same with the League that he did in Identity Crisis. No, I'm saying that because, after that monstrosity, it's impossible for me to pick up a book with his name on it.
I'm sorry, but anyone who writes something as lugubrious as IC is not someone whose work I can pick up at ease, if at all. Sure, I wouldn't be surprised if he were far more respectable of the characters in what he writes (for a year? Too long, I'm afraid). But that still doesn't wash away the damage of yore, and so, I'll pass.
Thank goodness Paul Levitz will be the writer on JSA (and during the Bronze Age, he wrote plenty of Earth-2 adventures for them as well).
Brad Meltzer returns to DC with JLA relaunch.
And I'm not saying that because I think the comic book answer to Al Franken, overrated as he is, could do the same with the League that he did in Identity Crisis. No, I'm saying that because, after that monstrosity, it's impossible for me to pick up a book with his name on it.
I'm sorry, but anyone who writes something as lugubrious as IC is not someone whose work I can pick up at ease, if at all. Sure, I wouldn't be surprised if he were far more respectable of the characters in what he writes (for a year? Too long, I'm afraid). But that still doesn't wash away the damage of yore, and so, I'll pass.
Thank goodness Paul Levitz will be the writer on JSA (and during the Bronze Age, he wrote plenty of Earth-2 adventures for them as well).
Labels: dc comics, Justice League of America, moonbat writers
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Muhammad Rizki |
1:36 AM
Excuse me for share Obat kulit wajah belang dan kering keep Biaya operasi miom atau mioma saat ini must Obat penebalan otot jantung leaf Obat varises alami paling ampuh small Obat benjolan di leher belakang sebelah kanan dan kiri room Obat lambung bocor miss Obat gatal di selangkangan paha hungry Obat dermatitis atopik happy Obat abses anus nice Obat kencing darah pada pria dan wanita Thank you...
Posted by
Muhammad Rizki |
1:36 AM
Share nih Obat sakit tulang rusuk sebelah kiri dan kanan maybe Obat luka borok bernanah dan berair lucky Obat gatal bentol di kemaluan pria dan wanita story Obat benjolan di siku tangan think Obat edema paru know Obat benjolan di kemaluan wanita dive Obat keloid di dada hold Obat syaraf kejepit di tulang ekor reading Obat mata buram touch Obat telat datang bulan Thank you...
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Unknown |
12:42 AM