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Wednesday, September 26, 2007 

Dan DiDio as Titans editor: a Jemas style publicity stunt?

The webmaster of the Titans Tower, one of the best sites on the web for all Teen Titans related items just like SpiderFan is the best for Spider-Man items, found out that DiDio is going to be the personal editor for the current Titans volume, which now has Sean McKeever writing it:
Asked if he’ll bring elements similar to Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane into his work on Teen Titans, McKeever said that he won’t be going the full romance route at all, but he will be focusing on the characters, and focusing on the interactions between the characters. McKeever pointed out that DiDio is the oncoming editor for Teen Titans. “Basically he’s babysitting me,” McKeever joked.
More on CBR as well. Considering that DiDio has done a lot to get himself disliked of recent, he's running the gauntlet of alienating the audience on his name alone! It reminds me of how Bill Jemas, the former CEO of Marvel, once took to writing some items himself, one called "Marville", and the other a supposed take on the Sub-Mariner in his younger years, neither of which did well because of how he'd alienated people by edicting the Marvel line along with Joe Quesada.

McKeever may have tried to assure people on ComicBloc (also via Titans Tower) that DiDio is "not trying to cram a bunch of ideas down my throat". But there's still the smell of a publicity stunt tactic surrounding this, if you ask me, and it's got a potentially alienating feeling to it.

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