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Tuesday, June 01, 2010 

Vertigo line may be fading away

This news at Bleeding Cool, which tells that Swamp Thing and a few other characters may be returning to the mainline DCU, strongly suggests something I predicted might happen sooner or later: that the Vertigo line might be slowly phased out. On the one hand, it's true that Swamp Thing and a couple of other protagonists first began their existence as part of the DCU, so for them to return to it wouldn't be that surprising. On the other hand, it suggests the Vertigo line's not doing what it used to for them, making its publication near obsolete, so they must've decided to move some of the current cast back to the DCU.

Not that it's really good news though: with the way things are going now, chances are they won't handle any adult material well at all within the mainline books for these cast members who until now were in Vertigo. (In fact, just 5 years ago, one more attempt was made at writing a series for Swamp Thing, and it was the least successful to date. There's little reason to assume they'll do any better if they try it again.)


Rise of Arsenal has all the adolescent unintentionally funny faux angst and gratuitous nastiness of a Vertigo book so I guess they just figured- what was the point.

If they kill John Constantine off, I'll be one mad bastard.

There would've been a 5th Vol of Swamp Thing written by China Mieville.

Damn your nostalgic soul, Didio!

We just may be looking at particular artists and/or editors wanting to work on particular lines, resulting in the pilfering of lines from Vertigo.


Steven G. Willis

Let's calm down.

It's not like Vertigo has used these characters well in years, perhaps decades. Alan Moore isn't writing Swamp Thing anymore, Milligan isn't writing Shade anymore. We can't get the past back. I'm fine with Vertigo so long as it continues to publish creator-owned comics.

"We can't get get the past back."

Try telling that to Didio and Johns.

It's been suggested that the two main reasons are to grab all the DC characters into one DC universe (until the next silly crossover paroxysm presumably) and to turn Vertigo into an exclusively creator-owned / controlled ghetto with all the non-Vertigo returnees being mainstream DC work-for-hire jobbies.

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