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Wednesday, August 18, 2010 

Daredevil is ending in November

One of Marvel's most famous vigilantes, blind lawyer Matt Murdock, is ending the series run in another 3 months with issue 512.

Of course, they did more than enough to bury the Man Without Fear for several years now, including one where his secret ID was revealed in 2003 (at least I think his secret ID was, but I haven't read Daredevil for so long, I can't remember clearly), an early writing job by Bendis. And just like every other corner of the MCU, even Daredevil was not immune to today's crossover-event flood. So it's no wonder that, of all the superheroes who could have their series canceled now, DD has sadly become that very one.

And yet, it may be for the best, because if it went any further, DD would only be tossed into another Shadowland. Only when Quesada and company are finally gone and a more decent editor who's willing to clear away the mess they've created has come in will it be safe to relaunch DD anew. If Marvel is still around, that is.

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