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Friday, August 20, 2010 

Sales slump again by 12 percent

The latest sales charts came out, and only one title sold above 100,000 copies. Periodical sales are down by 12 percent compared to last year, and in graphic novels, only the Scott Pilgrim books made significant gains.

Comics Beat asks:
Is this the price increase finally coming home to roost? The effect of event-driven sales and marketing? The aging audience? PICK YOUR POISON. ICV2 notes — and we do too — that Marvel’s Shadowland event debuted to modest numbers — maybe Daredevil is not strong enough for his own event?
Or maybe the audience has had enough of the awful editors pushing these events that drown all character drama potential? If the audience is getting smarter and wising up to Quesada/DiDio's ways, that is something to be glad of. We can't be taken advantage of by them any more. The message has to be made that it's time for them to go.

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The events are pathetic, and it's impossible to still collect comics in a run of stories with arcs and cool linkages. It's just a frankensteined mess of shoehorned crap and soft porn.

No thanks. No thanks.

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