Geoff Johns making the same mistake as Bill Jemas
At the New York Comic Con this weekend, The Superman SuperSite reports that DC Entertainment Creative Director Geoff Johns reiterated Nelson's comments while adding his personal feelings about Marvel Studios.I'm afraid that's taking a risk there of sounding like Bill Jemas when he was Marvel's exploitative manager. Yes, DC's creations are great, but then so are Marvel's, and it's really not in good form for one company representative to put down the other's. But I guess we really can't expect much else from a writer who's got little respect for the DCU cast he's been allowed to work on, and who's done more to smash them apart, in contrast to his whole argument against smashing "together".
"I'm going to speak frankly," Johns told the crowd. "I think our characters are bigger than Marvel's." Johns continued that DC would work on building up the individual characters in their comic book movie universe, rather than "smashing them together."
Labels: dc comics, dreadful writers, marvel comics