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Wednesday, February 23, 2011 

CBR incites against Glenn Beck

On CBR's Robot 6 blog, they feature an unpublished illustration of FOX News host Beck that was drawn for a New York Times profiling by Daniel Clowes. And where they scrape the bottom of the barrel is when the writer says:
Clowes was commissioned to draw the portrait for a New York Times Magazine profile on Beck when it seemed he wouldn’t be willing to sit for a photograph, but apparently cooler heads prevailed and/or Beck found a break in his busy schedule of rooting for the massacre of unarmed Arab protesters, and an agreement with the dreaded liberal media behemoth was reached after all
It sounds like this item was written simply as a means for assault on Beck. Now that's really low, claiming without presenting any proper evidence that he supports Gaddafi, and I suppose this is more important to them than the sexual assault on Lara Logan by savages in Egypt? Sadly, it appears to be the case. It takes away considerably from whatever seriousness they claim to promote too.

It's disgusting stunts like this that make me lose respect for Comic Book Resources.


Not unexpected, as the comic industry has targeted O'Reilly, Palin and Bachmann. I'm only surprised they didn't do Beck, sooner.

As for your Lara Logan reference, the American MSM has covered it, but they have downplayed certain elements (specifically the "Jew" epiphet). I'm not defending the MSM, but, yes, they have better things to do, such as properly examine what happened to her.

Nice sense of sensitivity in our age of New Civility, eh?

What a surprise?
you know after Arizona I thought people on both sides democrat and republican would cool it but I guess not Eye roll.

No surprise that MSM downplayed it
but they may have had to as well.

and to think after Arizona we were supposed to be more Civil

Left wing calls for "civility" (much like accusing people of being "racist") are just code for "shut up!"

I'd like to see politics be a bit more civil, but [obscenity] if anyone on the left is fit to lecture me on it.

I've been trying to be more mean-spirited and snide than before the shootings, simply because the news tells me to do the opposite.

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