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Sunday, February 27, 2011 

Marvel recycles Age of Apocalypse

The LeHigh Valley Express Times gushes over Mike Carey's imitation of the earlier X-Men "event" called Age of Apocalypse, here titled "Age of X", and when that's the only title they can think of giving it, something is wrong:
In the new X-Men event "Age of X" by writer Mike Carey, the X-Men never formed and mutant kind finds itself on the brink of extinction.

Without the X-Men for guidance, humanity gave in to its fear and hatred and now the mutant population around the world has been hunted down and killed.

The remaining few mutants have banded together in a last-ditch effort to survive a nonstop assault on Fortress X.

Created by Magneto, Fortress X is the last refuge for mutants.

For 1,000 days, the mutant army led by Cannonball defends themselves against an enemy that will not stop and will never surrender until the last mutant is killed.

"Age of X" owes a lot to "Age of Apocalypse." Both stories are a bleak alternative take on the X-Men.
And that's just the problem! Too often, what brought down the X-Men was the constant leaning towards a dark viewpoint. And just why does Magneto have to be the "savior" in these alternate timelines? If they have to use a villain, couldn't be one more along the lines of Baron Mordo?

When Days of Future Past first experimented with time travel, that was well done and enough. Tragically, they kept recycling it even without the time travel elements, and it became cliche. And now, it's just another sign of Marvel's artistic bankruptcy.

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It is part of the current Marvel bleakness, as "true art is angsty."

Ironic, as, last night, I came across this old Rogue moment in the 80's, reading nice commentary:


There she was, just being happy. Could anyone imagine that in a Marvel comic, anymore? Yes, the X-Men face terrible prejudice and end of the world destruction, but they can enjoy life, too, on occasion.

Or am I being too idealist? Heh.

The bleakest take I've seen on the X-Men is their circulation totals.

This may be unenlightened, but "why repeat when it wasn't good, the first time?" I tried, but it just couldn't gel with me. That said, I do agree about the franchise constantly referring to DOFP. I liked it, the first 100 times. Not so much, the 1000th time. Same with Dark Phoenix.

Who was the one that said, "Marvel is the House of One Idea"?

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