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Friday, May 20, 2011 

Still little chance DC would write a story where Superman helps in the war on terror

The LA Times Hero Complex site has published another article on the Action Comics #900 controversy by an AP Wire reporter. It's really not much different from others of its sort, but if there's anything that could be commented on here, it's this paragraph:
Which brings us back to “Action Comics” No. 900 and the Superman who, in that one short story buried deep in the book, balks at being pushed around by the White House. It’s easy to wonder: Would this Superman have helped the Navy SEALs who raided Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan earlier this month?
First, let's remember that Supes is a fictional character. The question is whether the writers and editors in charge at DC would be willing to write a story - preferably a fictionalized allusion to such real life events - where the Man of Steel aids the US army in battling jihadists? For now, the answer appears to be sadly, no. Even now, after the amazing victory against the al-Qaeda a few weeks ago, it does not appear DC and Marvel would be willing to capitalize on the potential of writing a metaphor inspired by these real life events where the superheroes make a serious effort to battle terrorists, who, depending on the setting, could even be armed with sci-fi weapons. The DC/Marvel staff holding the properties hostage in their grasp are so far to the left, they've made it near impossible to do something really inspiring with their excellent stable of superheroes.

Only by undergoing a considerable company makeover with a better owner included would it be possible to do any of this.

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Imagine how cool it would be if Marvel or DC decided to accurately address terrorism. Imagine the stories they could weave if they wanted to be honest about the very real enemy that plots and plans and patiently seeks to kill innocent civilians whenever possible. Instead we get Superman sucking up to The United Nations and Captain America wishing he could wear a smurf blue UN helmet as he takes on the Tea Party. Sad.

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