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Thursday, June 02, 2011 

Flashpoint 2's shock tactic cover

Not satisfied with sullying Mera's background in Brightest Day, Geoff Johns and company have decided to foist a more visual shock value scene upon us on the variant cover of the 2nd Flashpoint issue, with time-altered WW holding up the severed head of the Atlantean queen. Clearly, they didn't bring her back from limbo because they respected her (and they don't have much respect for WW either).

And it's only rated T? Pathetic.

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I'm guessing she'll also stuff the head in a fridge, too.

A beheaded woman looking pretty on the cover. Uh-huh....

Which is worse? That, or the Phantom Lady's sexually violent death in Infinite Crisis? Both, as they were written by the same writer?

DC needs to get Johns some medical care. Thorazine might help. Send Morrison to drug rehab while they're at it.

Nah, I think Morrison would enjoy rehab too much. "What do you mean it's not on drugs" is the only explanation I have for his Doom Patrol run. I don't know what he was thinking when he turned Negative Man into Rebis. Blurgh.

Morrison's always been forthright about his drug use. Which is why his work is always full of hallucinogenic ideas ("What do you mean, 'miniature star for a brain'?") and inevitably devolves into narrative drivel at some point.

Read Dan Raviv's "Comic Wars" sometime. Ike Perlmutter's attempt to get Marvel employees drug tested was met with abject horror and revolt. I'd be surprised if it's gotten any better since.

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