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Sunday, January 08, 2012 

Actor in upcoming Avengers movie politicizes it

Big Hollywood reported that one of the cast members in the new Avengers movie, Mark Ruffalo, who plays the Hulk in the film, is trying to alienate potential audiences on the right. He told the WSJ:
“You have all these disparate egos, superheroes in this and that, and they refuse to give up some of their positions in order to make a more perfect union and to join the team,” Ruffalo says.

“That’s really what the whole movie is about: subjugating your own best interest momentarily to further that of the whole,” he says.
Let's hope that's not what the movie's actually about, though Ruffalo sure seems intent on souring everybody's enthusiasm for the movie by bringing up pointless comparisons with the Occupy movement he's unfortunately been associating himself with.

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That's exactly what The Avengers was always about. Read up.

Really? Have you actually read any Avengers books before Bendis took over, anon?

To the article: You expect your puppy to poop on the floor because that's his nature. You should expect a far-left whacko like Ruffalo to do a similar thing when he opens his mouth. No real surprise.

It's typical of a leftie like Ruffalo to politicize things like this, though not entirely surprising, like the Drizzt has said. It's also sad how so many people I've talked to don't know that Avengers existed before Bendis took it over in 2004 and absolutely ruined it.


Oh, well, I never liked the Hulk, anyway. Can we ignore him and pretend it's Lou Ferrigno, or something?

Whenever Ruffalo gives back his payday from the movie or gives it to charity, then I'll take him slightly more seriously.

Oh, please. Does everything have to be politicized as left wing or right wing?

Ruffalo just wants to alienate potential conservative movie goers.


Ruffalo's also a 9-11 Truther. Classic airhead actor.

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