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Wednesday, July 25, 2012 

Grant Morrison is leaving Action Comics and Batman Inc

He may even be leaving superhero comics behind too, as he's now going to work on projects unrelated to superhero stuff. It's just as well, since his latest independent book, Happy, has what sounds like one of the most repellant plots I've heard of, even for an indie book, making it a new bottom of the barrel venture for Image.

Interestingly, Morrison was one of the reasons why George Perez decided to quit working on his part of the Superman reboot:
"I had no idea Grant Morrison was going to be working on another Superman title. I had no idea I was doing it five years ahead, which means ... my story, I couldn't do certain things without knowing what he did, and Grant wasn't telling everybody. So I was kind of stuck. 'Oh, my gosh, are the Kents alive? What's his relationship with all of these characters? Who exists?' And DC couldn't give me answers. I said, 'Oh, my gosh, you're deciding all these things and you mean even you don't know what's going on in your own books?' So I became very frustrated ..."
He shouldn't have even participated in the first place, and this could only have been expected. And despite what he says in that article about Dan DiDio no longer being the last word, there is every chance he was, since his influence is still being felt all over the place at DC. That's pretty much why Morrison got to run wild on anything they let him write.

Update: on a semi-related note, the third issue of Batman Inc, which Morrison wrote, has been delayed in release for about a month, and here's why:
While DC Entertainment, a division of the Warner Bros Entertainment, did not divulge the exact nature of the "insensitive" imagery in the latest "Batman, Inc.," Chris Burnham, the illustrator of the series, posted on Twitter that the delay was "due some grim imagery that would seem wholly inappropriate given the Aurora killings."

He added that there was a specific scene "that made DC & the whole Bat-team say "Yikes." Too close for comfort."
The Reuters article noticeably doesn't mention that Morrison wrote the issue, though USA Today does. They're certainly doing the right thing to postpone the book's release.

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