Doonesbury's Garry Trudeau for sharia
Trudeau’s words, understandably, incited controversy, and so on Meet the Press last week he attempted to clarify his earlier remarks and dispel the impression that he was blaming the victims for the massacre. However, he only ended up digging the hole deeper and affirming his submission to violent intimidation and implicit acceptance of Sharia blasphemy laws.Back in 1973, Trudeau mocked Jesus in one of the early Doonesbury strips. At this point, I'm convinced he's open to that simply because he knows how easy a target Judeo-Christians must be. I don't know if he's drawn any strips in the past few months attacking the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, but I've got a bad feeling it's going to go way downhill from here. I think it's time already that Trudeau just hang up his gear and retire from cartooning.
In an interview with a fawning and obsequious Chuck Todd, Trudeau assured the world that the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists were “not at all to blame,” but then immediately relapsed into blaming them for their own murders, saying: “I didn’t agree with the decisions they made that brought a world of pain to France.”
Yet it was the jihad mass murderers, not Charlie Hebdo, that brought a world of pain to France. If they had not been willing to commit mass murder in the service of Sharia blasphemy laws, France would not have experienced any pain at all. On Meet the Press, Trudeau was saying that the proper response to a thug who threatens to kill you unless you shut up was to submit and obey. That would in effect install a thugocracy, allowing those who will kill the most people the most ruthlessly the right to rule.
Trudeau also hastened to avow that he would never follow in the blasphemous footsteps of the slain Charlie Hebdo cartoonists: “I wouldn’t draw pictures of the prophet….” This was presumably because, he said, he didn’t “have the right to decide what is sacred and holy and profane for someone else.”
But that is not what is at issue regarding cartoons of Muhammad. There is no question that Muhammad is sacred and holy to Muslims. The question is whether or not that fact obligates anyone else. If I believe something is sacred and holy, does that oblige you also to respect it? Trudeau would apparently say yes. I doubt, however, that he would say the same thing when it came to Piss Christ or the dung-encrusted painting of the Virgin Mary that was exhibited in New York a few years ago. But Christians won’t kill him for offending them.
Labels: comic strips, Europe and Asia, islam and jihad, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, politics, terrorism, violence
Christians are not only expected to tolerate images that are offensive to them, they are expected to pay taxes to subsidize them. ("Piss Christ" was funded by a grant from the US government's National Endowment for the Arts.) Muslims are apparently entitled to never have to see or hear anything that they don't like.
If Christian fanatics blew up a theater that was showing "The Book of Mormon" or "The Last Temptation of Christ," would Trudeau claim that the victims brought it on themselves?
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:35 PM
...why should I care about Doonesbury?
Posted by
Drag |
2:20 PM