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Sunday, November 22, 2015 

Leftists exploit old Superman advertisement for positions on "refugees" from Islamic countries

I found CBR contributor Albert Ching writing about Capitol Hill's approval of stricter screening procedures for presumed refugees from Islamic countries - noticeably without mentioning it comes as a reaction to the bloodbath in Paris in the past week - by featuring an old advertisement for the UN appearing in World's Finest #111 from 1960, where Superman is shown explaining to two youngsters what refugees are going through, and why they should just welcome them more easily.

Now I don't know if the people involved at the time were actually alluding to situations like today's - indeed, that probably wasn't the case at all back in the early 60s - but if they were, then as a matter of fact, I would be disappointed, as I'm sure would also be plenty of other people. Even in the past, it's not like older contributors were innocent or capable of making mistakes. Yet that obviously makes no difference to the leftists of today, who're now shamefully exploiting past products done in cooperation with an outfit like the UN that even then was already becoming very bad. And yes, it's regrettable that any comics outfit even at that time would do business with such a repellent organization, whether they understood what's wrong with the UN or not. No doubt Marvel's also guilty of similar collaborations, and they certainly did once publish an advertisement for Planned Parenthood in 1976 featuring Spider-Man. If there's any problem with the old ad, it's that it was all done superficially, without stating just what topics it was meant to represent. That's where it disappoints in hindsight.

I think it's safe to say that back in 1960, the advertisement with Superman was alluding to refugees from Cold War countries like Russia, east Germany, and even the early days of the Vietnam war. Those people were fleeing an enemy sticking with an ideology that was destroying them, and which nobody at the time was denying. But not all of today's "migrants" coming from Iraq and Syria are fleeing Islamofascism if they continue to worship it after settling down in the next country that's taken them in. And their children, if raised on the evil doctrine, could continue the dirty work started by the same adherents who supposedly drove them out of Syria. That's why Congress approved the measure in an emergency meeting, yet Ching fails to acknowledge that part.

There's always been some politics in comics. The question is whether it's always been done in good taste and with a full understanding of whether all is as it seems. And today's leftists shouldn't be exploiting past products to service their personal agendas.

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In the 1950's-early 1960's, the world was very different. And the UN was not yet the rabidly anti-American, anti-Israeli, pro-terrorist mob that it became in the 1970's (and remains today).

The US had an open door immigration policy for years, but that was before our welfare state programs expanded beyond all reason. Public assistance was for people (children, elderly, handicapped) who could not work to support themselves. It was not until the very late 1960's that the US government began paying able-bodied young adults to have illegitimate babies.

So, the immigration system practically policed itself. Immigrants knew that they would be expected to assimilate, to learn English, to work, to pay taxes, and to obey the laws.

Today, none of that remains. Immigrants expect to draw welfare benefits, to practice their old customs, and to speak their own language. And they expect the natives to adapt.

And, in 1960, it was easier to vet immigrants, and to weed out Trojan Horses. KGB spies were adults. We didn't have ISIS teaching six-year-old kids to fire AK-47 rifles and automatic pistols.

BTW, we are told that the Syrians are refugees fleeing ISIS. But, the day before the Paris massacre, Obama said that ISIS was "contained." Well, if it is contained, then why are all these people running away from it?

Names and faces change, but the end result stays the same.

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