Slott's still got pretty thin skin
Every now & then I think about the blogger who called me a hypocrite
for having my position on gun control while writing Silver Surfer (1/2)
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 27, 2015
because Silver Surfer shoots cosmic powered beams out of his hand. (2/2)
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 27, 2015
Well I'm sorry, Slotty, but you are a hypocrite. And the day you're given the assignment to write comics based on Tomb Raider and accept it without reservations, I'll certainly say you're being hypocritical with that. Similarly, if you're given the assignment to write Wolverine, there too. In fact, if I find out you played with video games like Operation Wolf, Operation Thunderbolt, Mechanized Attack, Lethal Enforcers, Gunblade NY, LA Machine Guns and Terraburst, and still hold them in high regard...yes, I can only conclude that you speak out of 97 sides of your mouth. And say, what's this here? He tells of something he wrote when he was younger:
@JJRHannan I've written some Punisher stories in my youth. :)
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 28, 2015
@JJRHannan Punisher pretending to be an eye-witness-- to shoot a perp in the middle of a police station IN a suspect line-up. And...
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 28, 2015
Well then, son, if you stand by what you wrote in your youth, you know what I'd have to conclude, right?
@Starman1976 The Punisher is VERY pro-Punisher-having-bullets. Punisher would very much like it if the bad guys couldn't get bullets.
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 28, 2015
Umm, Frank Castle is a fictional character, son, so quit acting like he's real. But I can agree with the wish that criminals not get hold of bullets. And the best way to do that would be to improve the education system.
All that aside, I"m not sure what this has to do with the current news, on which note, I suggest you pay careful attention to this Colorado Springs Gazette article:
1:34: The shooting situation remains active and the shooter is not contained. Colorado Springs police says there is no connection to Planned Parenthood and shooting victims are getting treatment.So don't try exploiting this terrible incident for your far-left agendas, kiddo. He continues to harken back to the time I first brought up his Surfer assignment:
No. Really. This happened.
Guy honestly believes anyone who writes Silver Surfer HAS to be pro-gun.
Or a hypocrite.
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 28, 2015
He's never gotten over how I called him out on his hypocrisy. I'm sad Slott continues to cling to a vision I'm sure he knows isn't workable. He then responds to writer Brian Reed, who cynically stated that any writer creating a villain must agree with the crook's politics:
Also, Thomas Harris has eaten human livers with fava beans & a nice chianti.
And Jules Verne has flown to the moon.
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 28, 2015
Since they bring it up, I can't recall just now if Slott created any villains when writing Spider-Man, but he certainly did exploit Dr. Octopus as a projector for his peculiar visions, which included insulting Mary Jane Watson fans. Which he won't admit.
Look, the important take away from all of this:
The Power Cosmic doesn't kill people.
People from Zenn-La with the Power Cosmic kill people.
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 28, 2015
Wow, suddenly Slott indirectly admits it's not guns that kill people, but people who do. But only so he can snark and act vindictive when dissenters call him out. If he really realizes that it's people and their thinking/education that lead to disaster, why does he keep on with gun control positions?
Oh, and only Norrin Radd got the Power Cosmic from Galactus decades before. It wasn't the planet's populace in its entirety.
Serious question:
Is it OK for me to have opinions on things like gun control
or Muslims ≠ terrorists
& still have a Spidey head as my avi?
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 28, 2015
If residents of Zenn-La are responsible for killing instead of the Power Cosmic itself, then people in real life are responsible for killing other people, so why bounce back to the gun control argument he clearly favors?
Why it's silly to argue sensible gun control on Twitter. ACTUAL conversation I just had. NOT kidding. GUN (cont)
— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) November 28, 2015
But it's pointless for Slott to do so if he favors the kind of entertainment products I referenced above. Again, he's only made himself look incompetent and inconsistent.
Labels: marvel comics, misogyny and racism, moonbat writers, politics, violence, women of marvel
If you think Slott's comment about Power Cosmic not killing people was an admission and not him being sarcastic, you're a moron.
And if you've written this article on Saturday and still believe that Robert Lewis Dear didn't target the Planned Parenthood Clinic because of one vague comment from the police department, you're a delusional moron.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:33 PM
Hi Avi,
I haven't read Dark Knight III yet, but to all available evidence it continues to further embroil Batman into the anti-cop side of the Ferguson debate, which is odd for Frank Miller who I thought was a conservative. But now he's saying he supports Hillary or some such nonsense. But he also seems to be in bad physical shape, so who knows how much input he has on the story anyway since the cowriter is the one who wrote the Batman comic investigating Michael Brown. Anyway, I think you should look into this.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:06 PM
Thanks, I'll try to research the 3rd Dark Knight miniseries as soon as I can.
Posted by
Avi Green |
10:11 AM
If Frank Miller's Dark Knight III is anything like the first two he wrote, I'm not touching it with a ten-foot pole. People may rant and rave that the first one was "awe-inspiring" and "redefining", but I call it garbage from a garbage-infested mind, it wasn't that good to me.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:58 AM