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Wednesday, January 31, 2018 

Joe Quesada remains sugarcoated while talking about social media

Quesada wrote a Facebook post where he spoke about social media:
Back when Jimmy Palmiotti and I started Marvel Knights we had message boards and we I gave praise to Odin every day because we didn’t have Stan Lee’s mutant power and they allowed us to reach out to so many of you and for you to reach out directly to us. Now 19 years later, never before in the history of comics have we creators, editors, publishers and fans had the ability to speak to each other on a one to one basis. Never, ever!!! [...]
Yup, never ever has there been so much disdain coming from his crowd for the fans, both old and new. If Quesada was serious about reaching out, he would never have undid the Spider-marriage so disgustingly. Why does he think most Marvel fans abandoned them? Quesada and company vehemently refused to reconsider, and now, look where they're at. In the gutter of sales receipts. He also said:
...And yeah, even though it can get a bit nasty from time to time, this isn’t unto itself anything new, the delivery system is just different and more convenient.
Which is just another way of downplaying all the anger he caused.
And hey, I also understand how sometimes the harshness of social can make it all feel bleak, like there’s no community out there, but I believe there is and always will be, it’s just how we reach each other that will constantly change. Can't wait for those Twitter brain implants. Fun!
Utterly false. Not fun when stunning editorial mandates become the norm, along with company wide crossovers, which they ramped up to the max by 2005. The "creators" and editors they employ now make it ever bleaker by antagonizing the fans and piling on with rabid leftism. As a result, I'm not sure you could call it a community anymore.

When CBR pointed to what he said, they stated his message:
...comes at a time when many industry figures have been debating the importance of social media, a medium that has the power to both amplify a creator’s voice and become a focal point for harassment.
Yes, harassment by ultra-leftist creators of anybody who dares voice an opinion/position they don't agree with. It's tiresome how this dreadful site always acts as an apologist for the establishment no matter how bad the storytelling steps are. I may have said it before and will again, but they were never on the side of fans, only select representatives of the medium itself. Quesada doesn't belong at Marvel, and if they won't admit it, they're not Marvel fans, and never were.

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