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Monday, March 12, 2018 

Heather Antos leaving Marvel to work in computer game development

Some good news coming out of Marvel - one of their worst editors, who sought to inflate a measly handful of attacks into a big deal, is now leaving to become editor for a video game company:
Marvel Comics assistant editor Heather Antos is leaving the publisher to become Editor-in-Chief of the eSports betting platform Unikrn. Antos takes over the position from Ryan Jurado, who will continue on at Unikrn as Head of Global Content.
I'm sure that's one venture of its sort nobody needs to buy game products from.

One Angry Gamer reminds everyone:
The antics carried out by Antos were at times almost equivalent to that of a super-villainess; and just like the villains in the comic books, all her plans targeting her arch-rival were foiled by Diversity & Comics, who managed to stay one step of her and a few other industry cronies. One such plot involved colluding with other comic book masterminds in order to have Diversity & Comics’ Patreon account shutdown. However, Richard C. Meyer, the man behind Diversity & Comics, managed to expose the plot and thwart the villainy of the other comic book professionals who were out to silence him.
And as I once noticed, she was one of a few writers/editors who continued to support Dark Horse's disgraced Scott Allie, even after he'd been exposed for committing physical/sexual assault. That doesn't serve her own positions well.

I suppose her departure is a good sign, but there's still quite a few employees at Marvel who're bad news, not the least being Joe Quesada himself. As I've said before, so long as he's there, he's bound to be a bad omen.

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The disappointment is that her departure probably caused the cancellation of the Gwenpool comic, one of the best that Marvel has been publishing. Other titles that seemed to sell in lower numbers avoided cancellation. It is likely that the loss of an editor who could advocate for the title and had enthusiasm for it probably tipped the scales against it.

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